bella famous chihuahua

meet bella, a super sweet rescue chihuahua from the uk!

happy chihuahua dog

“look mama, i’m famous!”

bella is a rescue chihuahua that previously lived in an abusive home and has progressed so much for the better after being adopted by her new mommy, beth adams.  bella thrives on being outside and will fetch her dog harness when she sees her leash in sight.  this picture shows the look of excitement and happiness that bella gets when she knows she’s about to go for her walkies.

bella loves to cuddle and snuggle under your neck and has a super cute habit of doing a little dance out of excitement when she knows she’s going to get food or go for her walk.  beth loves bella to the moon and back and is overjoyed to have rescued such a sweet little chihuahua because now bella is finally allowed the opportunity to enjoy her life to the fullest.

congratulations beth, bella is officially a fun, furry and fabulous famous chihuahua®

dog fashion for girl dogs
