buster the chihuahua
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buster, the rescue chihuahua who can do tricks!

buster, the rescue chihuahua who can do tricks!

dear famous chihuahua,

i’d like to introduce you to my chihuahua buster. i bought buster from a pet store and later found out he came from a puppy mill, so technically he is a chihuahua rescue puppy. he had a lot of issues coming from the mill, but we worked through them and today he is the best chihuahua in the world.

buster is now a year and half old and his favorite toy is his tennis ball. he loves to snack on cheese and can do several tricks for treats that includes dancing, jumping through a hula hoop and sitting up in the begging position.

buster hates it when i use my cell phone. one evening i left my phone on the coffee table and later went back to get it and it was gone. after searching everywhere, i finally found it buried under all of buster’s toys in his bed/toy box. it was his way of telling me, “get off the phone mommy!”

i can’t imagine my life without buster, he means everything to me. i hope you enjoy his picture as much as i enjoy him.


pamela ravalli of irvine, california


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  • your story of Buster has touched my heart. On June 5th, my beloved Buster was in my yard for only 2 minutes and disappeared. I walked for 7 hours to try and find him. I fear he was taken by a coyote. Buster was also a rescued puppy and I had him only 2 short years. I miss him dearly and feel so lost without him. Take care of your little Buster.

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