carmela, a long-haired chihuahua devoted to mommy

carmela the chihuahua


dear famous chihuahua®,

this is my long haired chihuahua carmela. she is 9 months old, weighs 3.2 lbs and was purchased from a reputable chihuahua breeder.

carmela doesn’t have a favorite food because she loves all food! she does however have a favorite snack, bacon treats or chicken flavored raw hides. her favorite chihuahua plush play toys are her leopard stuffed bone and a stuffed round yellow chicken. she also loves to roll on her back, so cute!

i simply can’t imagine how my life would be without my carmela. she is my best friend and my faithful little companion. so much that when i leave the house she waits hours for me at the top of the steps to come home. my boyfriend told me she does this and i didn’t believe him so we set up a camera for me to see it for my own eyes. i love my little carmela!

‘paws’-i-tively yours,

georgina ferensick

submit your chihuahua story and picture or post it to the famous chihuahua facebook fan page!


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