chihauhau tracy lawrence

dixie rose, the chihuahua with a hot rod convertible!

famous chihuahua® is bringing sweet little dixie rose the chihuahua back to center stage! little dixie is now a happy and healthy 3 months old and her rise to super stardom has only just begun! take a look at little dixie performing live with country singing sensation, tracy lawrence!

dixie rose the chihuahua performing live with country singer tracy lawrence!

dixie’s mommy tells us that it was a very proud moment for her to see little dixie on stage with her favorite male country singer. she has also told us that she’s been feeling wonderful since little dixie started training to become her very own service dog!

healey's dixie rose! the adorable chihuahua puppy from texas!

vroom, vroom! …hello famous chihuahua!

my name is dixie rose and i am a 9 week old chihuahua puppy from the state of texas! mommy got me from the chihuahua breeder deborah wheeler of puppy luv kennel in kemp, texas and i love my new home!

mommy feeds me diamond and beniful puppy food and my favorite play toys are my stuffed pink bunny and my big orange teddy bear. she also carries me around in the front pocket of her coveralls where i feel so safe and secure that i fall asleep.

mommy says i am very dear and special to her because i helped her come out of a very trying time in her life when she was experiencing a major bout of depression after losing both her biological mom and step mom.

thank you famous chihuahua for this fabulous chihuahua site and for making me famous. you have made my mommy one happy woman!

pawsitively yours,

dixie rose, the chihuahua puppy from the state of texas


17 Comments. Leave new

  • I hope everyone who reads these stories does not buy chihuahuas from a breeder. the shelters are full of discarded chihuahuas since they are so overbred. these dogs do not do well in shelters, they are tiny, fragile and susceptible to disease. many that come from breeders wind up in shelters and most do not make it out alive.

  • omg i want 2 steal her right out of the pic and have all to my self

  • I just want too say how much your Dixie Rose looks like my Tito Ortiz. The resemblance is crazy.

  • I was sorry to hear of your bereavement. Having see your little baby Dixie Rose I can see how your life has now turned around, she looks fabulous, bless, a little star. Wishing you all the best for the future. maureen in Bristol UK.

  • Kelly (Lil' Dixie Rose's
    January 18, 2011 5:08 am

    Dixie Rose is Something Else! ….A piece of interesting information about her….She was carefully selected to be trained as a Special Services Dog!…So, this small dog has a big, big responsibility!….And, see there, not all service dogs are large breed dogs such as the popular service breed the Labrador Retriever…Dixie Rose wears her Specialty Name Embroidered Service Dog Uniform Vest just like any other Service Dog would!….

    Her purpose is to aid her owner in remaining calm and anxiety free during situations that her owner finds stressful, such as going out into public and being around strangers. When held and carried close to her owner’s heart, Dixie Rose has the remarkable sense and knowing when her owner is in need….She can feel when her owner’s heart starts to race from nerves…That’s when Dixie Rose knows to start licking her owner’s face as a way of getting her owner to focus on her licks and forget about what it was that was upsetting…..Cool, huh!?…

    This awesome dog has dedicated her sole role in our world to create a richer, fuller life for her owner!….People are amazed how such a tiny tot can make such a huge difference!….She is quite the attraction when her owner goes out with her! Dixie Rose is a LUV-MAGNENT and draws lots and lots of attention! People can’t resist the urge to come see her up close to meet her and ask lots of questions about her Service Dog role. The interaction her owner has with the people who approach them dramatically helps her owner open up and feel at ease with talking to new folks and be confident and without fear when visiting unfamiliar places!…..

    Interestingly, when Dixie Rose becomes “Off Duty”, her owner will take off her “Work Vest” and say, “OK, you’re off work now….go play….go be you!!!”….lol….And at that point Dixie Rose knows it’s no longer about her owner’s needs….NOW it can be ALL ABOUT DIXIE ROSE!!!!….lol…It’s so fun to watch….once that vest comes off, she goes wild with excitement and play!….How one lil’ dog can have so many toys, I don’t know!….lol….Spoiled Rotten is her nickname!…..A fitting name for her!….lol….

    Dixie Rose is soooooo loved and appreciated, not only by her owner, but by everyone that has been fortunate enough to know her!!!!

    She’s Born, Raised, Special Service Trained, and Living in TEXAS!!!…They say, “Everything’s Bigger in Texas!”….Well, this 3 pound Texan proves that “Dynamite DOES Come in Small Packages!” ….and OH, BOY!, when she’s off work, she’s one heck-of-a-FIRECRACKER!….

    We love you and thank you, MISS DIXIE ROSE!!!

    We love to here feedback from Dixie Rose’s supporters!

    Please share with us your comments or personal stories about the Special Chihuahua in YOUR life!

    Love to all!

  • i love that chihuahua!

  • There the best dogs on the whole planet they are so cute and adorable don’t u agree?!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

  • soo cute!! must have her, bless her x

  • how cute i have a baby too her name is izzy.

  • Just wanted to let you know another story is being worked up for a nother artical about Dixie she had an awsome adventure this past week. Will tell more in her up comming story.

  • Cyndi Healey (Dixie's Mom)
    August 1, 2009 1:39 am

    thanks for all the wonderful comments about my puppy shes is my little girl.

  • I love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • She’s soo cute I could just eat her up for dersert!

  • Bless her little heart.

  • come and drive to cali for a vist!!

  • She is such a sweetie

  • OMG – Could she be any cuter?

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