dolly puppy teeko

“meet dolly, puppy and teeko! … the three amigo rescue chihuahuas!”

three cute rescue chihuahuas

“… look mommy, we’re famous chihuahuas!”

hello famous chihuahua®

my name is kristina and these are my three beautiful and charming rescue chihuahuas.  their names are dolly (black, 7 years old), puppy aka cupcake (white, she is the eternal puppy, 4 years old ), and teeko (the red head and little man of the house, 4 years old).

we are from edmonton, alberta, canada and belong to a large pack consisting also of my husband and our wife’s 4 yorkies (batman, robin, kitty, and sparky).  together we have a very loving three person relationship.  i have adopted all three chihuahuas into my life and my husband had the privilege of seeing puppy into this world and has had her since her birth.

teeko is a survivor.  we have had a few close calls with him as he is rather fragile and can’t handle physical shock.  since adopting him, we have had two accidents where my husband saved his life each time via CPR.  today teeko is strong and lively.  he is my rock, my baby.

dolly was my first born.  she was the first dog i ever had, thanks to my husband who brought her to live with us from his previous residence, puppy came shortly after.  all three chihuahuas are the best things that have ever happened to me, only equal to my husband and my wife.  our family fur babies consists of 7 happy and healthy dogs, not including my husbands’ daughters’ two chihuahuas, molly and martini or my brothers beagle, zoey.

thank you and we love your website!

kristina and family

congratulations kristina!  your three chi babies dolly, puppy and teeko are famous!
is your chihuahua the next big thing?  click here to submit your chihuahua!


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