et the chihuahua
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e.t., the miracle chihuahua that was hit by a car

e.t., the miracle chihuahua that was hit by a car

dear famous chihuahua,

allow me to introduce to your readers to e.t. the chihuahua (he also responds to baby). e.t. is a year and a half old and is straight from mexico! my grandmother’s friend whose family lives in mexico had chihuahua puppies so she brought one to the states and that’s how i got my baby.

e.t.’s favorite foods are apples and cherries and he loves playing with bras and small little stuffed toys. he barks at absolutely everything and loves playing with big dogs – he doesn’t realize how small he really is.

we live in chicago where there are lots of cars. last june e.t. was hit by a car and that broke my heart. we took him to the vet and they said he wasn’t going to survive, but he is much better now because of our persistent determination to make him better!

everyday he walks outside for at least 20 minutes and we make him play hard – it’s our version of physical therapy and it has proven successful.

e.t. is the love of my life – my own miracle chihuahua. i just don’t know what i would do without him.

cristina pham


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  • i’m very sorry to hear that about your puppy. I had a femal chihuahua but she got stolen and i know how u might of felt if you had lost him..I really love chihuahua’s but sertenly don’t have luck in keeping them, because either someone steels him/her. TAKE GOOD CARE of your beautiful puppy. Because there are lots of mean people ou there. GOD BLESS YOU

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