lil bella lucy, the chihuahua lucille ball that appears at doggie events!

lista and lucy

lil bella lucy, the lucille ball of chihuahua entertainment!

dear famous chihuahua®

this is my beautiful chihuahua named lil’ bella lucy. she was born of a pregnant teacup chihuahua that i rescued from the pouring rain. i found her covered with fleas sitting on my doorstep.

i work in the entertainment industry as a lucille ball look-a-like and am an emcee to many doggie events. lil’ bella lucy is now 1 1/2 years old and has become my partner in work and life. i now make appearances with her as she is my official lucille ball co-emcee. she even appears in parades with me wearing matching costumes!

lista as lucille ball with lil bella lucy on their mercedes getting ready to appear in a parade!

lil bella lucy loves people and enjoys being in shows and having her picture taken. i recently started making chihuahua clothes and accessories for her that i’m calling, “i love lucy canine couture”.

thank you very much for your website and your famous chihuahua facebook fan page. bella lucy and i are frequent visitors and we enjoy seeing and reading all of the chihuahua pictures and comments chihuahua owners post!

warmest regards,

lista and lil’ bella lucy of palm beach county, florida



  • The dog is cute, but the OWNER is a nutcase! Can you imagine running around town dressed in an outfit and hairstyle from the 1940s? I’m serious, this broad ACTUALLY believes she IS Lucille Ball! No one has ever seen her dressed like a NORMAL person.

  • this is my dog so give it back it ran away and I really miss it its name is star i no every thing about this dog so could you please send it to this address 742 Everglade grand raids Michigan

  • a great story and even greater pics! best wishes to you and lil’ bella lucy on your continuing career!!!!!!!

  • Lucille ball (Lucy)
    May 22, 2010 9:25 pm

    I love Famous Chihuahua!! Thank You for the write up!! Muwahhhhhhh!!!!

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