meet marley … the tiny chihuahua that miraculously beat liver disease!

chihuahua marley

look mama, i'm famous!

“i’m a survivor!”

this is marley! … all 1.3 kgs of him! marley is a tiny chihuahua with a whole lot of fight! this is marley’s miraculous story as told by his mommy, denise louise wakeham…

at age 6 months, marley was diagnosed with hepatic microvascular dysplasia (liver disease), a disease that can’t be surgically fixed, apart from food and liver support there’s no cure. this is why he is very tiny. he’s not much bigger than a coca cola can! after many trips to the vet with a variety of tests done (blood and CT scans), marley took a turn for the worst and was then also diagnosed with meningitis at 8 months.

through marley’s toughest time money was no option. if he needed it, he got it. i’d work overtime if i had to. specialist vets questioned marley’s life quality, but there was something about marley that i couldn’t give up on. so everyday marley stayed by my side and took his medication. even in the darkest days with no energy he found it in him to look up and kiss away my tears – how could i not fight for him?

after a few weeks, marley’s medication for meningitis and his liver disease started to work. it was a long fight, but it was a fight worth fighting. after doing thorough research while staying up most nights to talk to people online in america, i was able to get some great advice from people who genuinely cared. there was hope..

today marley is just over a year old and off medication for meningitis. he has been doing well and recently went in for blood tests to see how his liver is coping. they came back in the normal range. not only did marley beat the odds, but he BEAT liver disease! with his liver disease under control, marley is now the happiest little dog!

marley is so full of love and life and his tail wags constantly. people ask if i regret getting marley because of his problems and my answer is always no. i couldn’t be a more proud mommy to such a wonderful dog! he is my little miracle chihuahua. marley is a reminder that life can be beautiful with hope. his small, but mighty personality gives me strength.

congratulations denise, marley is not only a miracle, but now he’s also a famous chihauhua!

is your chihuahua the next big thing? does you have a rescue or miracle story you want to share with chihuahua lovers world wide? click here to submit your chihuahua picture or story!



  • Patricia Myers
    December 17, 2022 1:26 pm

    What a wonderful story about your adorable Marley.
    Our 4 year old toy poodle Wyatt has elavated bile acids and we are looking at having an ultrasound and additional tests proving what type of liver disease he might have.May I ask what medicine was used and was it primarily for the meningitis and that also assisted the his liver condition.
    Thank you for any information regarding this.

  • Christine Zepeda
    January 30, 2017 1:54 pm

    May I ask what food you are feeding Marley? I have a teacup schnauzer that was diagnosed with liver shunt. We ended up having the surgery done her shunt was outside liver but she hates the L/D food they have her on.

  • Reading about Marley, it’s lovely to know that he is now cured. Sonny our dog has liver disease, but we didn’t find out about them until a few months ago. I was devastated. Although Sonny is 15 years old, I still don’t want to lose him. He wakes me every morning, moithers me until I take him for a walk, is just outside while I’m in the shower, and lies behind my chair in the lounge and my office. I’m not looking for a miracle, I just want him to be well enough to last his days out.

  • Such and adorable little boy that I had the pleasure of knowing. I have to say his mum is absolutely amazing, there is nothing she wouldn’t do to help that little boy. She would move mountains just to get him the help he needed. It’s because of her support and his fight that he is still here today

  • Morgan Griffith
    September 16, 2012 9:25 am

    That’s absolutely awesome! I had a great dane that beat liver disease too. Stella was diagnosed with the beginning stage of liver failure. i was told that in a few months if not sooner she would start staggering around as if drunk due to the toxins building up in her system. i gave Stella massive amounts of reiki treatments and miraculously all her tests came back normal. miracles do happen, everyday. glad you got yours.

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