themighty max

the miraculous story of max, an amazing chihuahua born with scoliosis

mighty max!

this is max’s miraculous story told by his rescue mama, sue rogers of the mia foundation.

little max was born with severe scoliosis and it was suggested that he be euthanized at birth.  his breeder couldn’t accept this after seeing how hard max was fighting to stay alive and so max came to live with us at The Mia Foundation.  When he arrived at only 6 weeks old, he could barely walk, but we exercised his little legs and attempted to straighten his spine several times a day.  low and behold, within a week he was not only walking, but running!

even though we continued max’s physical therapy, his spine proceeded to get noticeably worse as he grew and a new symptom occurred.  when people he didn’t know held him he would have a panic attack.  these panic episodes became so bad that he had to be rushed to the vet several times to be sedated and given oxygen.  the vet told us that it was possible that max could die from one of these episodes and we should consider euthanizing him.

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we decided to get our own oxygen tank for home so that we could treat him immediately when an attack came on.  as it turned out, the oxygen did wonders for max and he came out of an episode much sooner when the oxygen was administered at the first sign of an attack.

we decided to seek out the opinion of two veterinarian specialists in rochester, who informed us that max’s condition was terminal.  we also brought him to Cornell University to be examined and were told us his condition was fatal and his bones would eventually crush his internal organs.  not wanting to give up, we then proceeded to search country-wide for veterinarians.

xray of max's spine!

we saw a happy, healthy little chihuahua that just happened to have a curved spine, a darling puppy that deserved a fighting chance.  he could walk and run, wag his tail and play like any other puppy.  he never showed any signs that he was in pain so we continued to seek help.

we then found a vet in Philadelphia they specialized in birth defects and genetic disorders.  so we drove to pennsylvania and ended up spending the day there while they X-rayed max and ran tests on him.  we were so hopeful that we finally found help, but when they finished their examination, we were once again told that nothing could be done.

they said it was the worst case of scoliosis they had ever seen and that his condition was terminal and to consider euthanasia.  they also informed us that he only had one functioning lung and his ribs were severely deformed as well as his spine.  after we left, we promised max that we would never give up on him as long as he was happy and pain free.

i'm famous!

today little max is 6 months old.  we never hold him for fear of pushing on his lung and causing a panic attack, but we get plenty of cuddle time with him on the floor and in bed.  max and his oxygen tank go everywhere with us.  he must be monitored at all times, but the panic attacks have become less frequent because we are now aware of what causes them.

we have decided to let Max finish growing and see what happens.  he is a fun and loving little dog with a wonderful personality.  none of the vets he’s seen thought that he would live this long, yet he’s still here and doing very well.

we don’t know what the future holds, but we do know that euthanizing him was not an option.  if an animal is happy and isn’t suffering they deserve a chance at a happy life.  in return they will give you back unconditional love and this in itself makes it all worth it.

i'm a miracle!

max was the first animal taken in by the mia foundation and he is the perfect example of what makes miracles.  our message to everyone who reads this is …

“if animals are born, they deserve a chance to live!”

the amazing story of mia, the chihuahua behind the mia foundation
“like” the mia foundation facebook page

is your chihuahua the next big thing? click here to submit your chihuahua!


31 Comments. Leave new

  • SUE YOU A WONDERFUL PERSON AND MAX IS A LIVING LIL DOLL. KEEP UP THE WORK YOU STARTED AND Don’t let anyone upset you and put you down for what your doing. i think its just great. my only regret is that i never met mia. thats one thing i wish i could have done. that little girl is an inspiration to many. keep up the good work with all them babies sue. love you and all your babies, especially max.

  • The story of brave tiny max & what you, sue & gary are doing for him has brought me to ‘tears’. i luv you max!! you don’t give up & neither do your luving parents. thank you both for helping, luving & caring for animals like max. i did not know you when mia was the start of your foundation…but i am send luving prayers for her. i say thank you to god for people like you. max is sooo cute! xoxoxo

  • such a sweet and very touching story he is a miricle so gorgeous it brought tears to my eyes thankyou for giving this little angel a chance in life i used to have a chewaa cross with a peckaneese i adored him he was 16 years old when he passed away it broke my heart i am sending prayers to you praying for this sweetheart to live god bless you for what you have done for him you are a star.xx

  • Sue rogers you are definitely an “angel in disguise”. I would never give up either on Max or any other loveable pet. God bless you and max. May you both live healthy, happy lives for a very long time.

  • What we can’t learn from animals! You are an angel, max.

  • Max is a little angel with a strong spirit. I love you buddy.

  • Max you are my hero………

  • It is such a WONDERFUL thing you are doing… Don’t ever give up on Max… I hope and pray that he lives a long happy life…. I would take him in a heart beat… He is soooo sweet and is beautiful…. Good job !…. We need more people like you in this world….

  • Stephen Mc Donnell
    November 9, 2012 3:50 am

    LOve Max, soooo cute. Sue Rogers you are an angel, God Bless You

  • Sue, we have watched you from the beginning and we will watch you until the end. What you have done for all these babies is just beyond words. You never give up!!! Max is an Amazing little man and i pray he lives a pain free life.
    You are wonderful sue rogers…. love you

  • God bless this tiny baby. I have a chi also she’s the love of my life 🙂

  • What a wonderful story!! Max you are the greatest chi chi ever!! I have severe scoliosis myself, and having the same problem with my lungs, right now. I know how you feel buddy, and you are lucky to have a mom who won’t give up on you! Your mom is special too!! God bless you both!oxox <3

  • Daris Kosinski
    November 8, 2012 6:17 pm

    The world fell in love with mia and many tears were shed all over the world the day miss mia took her last breath. One little pint size dog brought so many people together. Now her little brother is carrying on her legacy. God has blessed this world with sue rogers, one of the most caring and compassionate people I know. You and gary have so much love to give and with the love and support of your friends on facebook many furbabies lives have been saved. Wonderful story. Keep up the wonderful work sue and gary rogers…you are an angel here on earth. ((Mia hugs and kisses))

  • david dallessandro
    November 8, 2012 5:49 pm

    just wanted to say thanks for the story of mighty max he is a fighter like u , and lil mia whose watching all u do and watching over her lil brother, whome the good lord put u in his life to give him a big chance at love and life like u do w hope, and the big boxer. Much love from teques and me

  • sue rogers…you are an angel on earth! you and max and all your babies are very lucky that you have each other:) much love from michigan<3

  • thank you for all you do i had a female chihuahua that had a bad heart and had a heart attack at a year old the vets told me she would not make it she lived to be thirteen years old she took heart pills and water pills she was my best friend and when i lost her a part of me also died i still miss her everyday but i remember all the good times and how much we both loved each other now i have three that i have rescued and they are my world to are chihuahuas and one is a pit bull with out you and me the sweet angles would not have a chance,again thank you are a god sent,love always from mo.


  • What a blessing you are to him while he is also a blessing to you .. meant to be!! Thanks for loving him enough to let him live out his life in a secure, loving, safe and forever home/family! your lives have touched mine!!

  • i love you max! you are so precious!

  • So proud of you Max and you are soooo cute!!

  • emeraldladyuk
    November 8, 2012 4:32 pm

    Well done to all of you..its so easy to turminate but it takes real guts to c it through..blessing to u all.keep up the good work.x

  • Patrice in California
    November 8, 2012 4:05 pm

    Max and his momma are a true inspiration! They are both truly amazing! xox

  • Such a sweet story! God bless

    November 8, 2012 3:31 pm


  • Love You Max!!

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