chihuahua clothing models bella and ruby

ruby bella chihuahuas

chihuahua clothing models bella and ruby

introducing bella and ruby, the two house model chihuahuas from these little sweethearts are the lovely chi-babies of suzanne cousins that were born in ireland, but now live with their mummy in belfast.

bella is the baby at 9 months old and was born on the 1st of may, 2008. ruby is a year and 10 months old and was born on the 29th of march, 2007.

ruby and bella love to go for long walks in the countryside and accompanying mummy to her place of work, the little pawz pet hotel. There they play with other dogs and enjoy treats of ham and chicken.

ruby and bella are not big on rainy days or the postman, but they are the ultimate lap dogs who thrive on every ounce of love and affection they receive.

bella the chihuahua

ruby has a very animated character and an extremely sweet disposition. she stands proud as she models the fabulous chloe’s beverly hills chihuahua dress available at the famous chihuahua clothing and accessory store.

bella is fearless in nature and doesn’t let anything phase her despite her size and weight of only 2 pounds. she is adventurous and explores new territory, but never strays far from mummy’s side. here she sits pretty modeling a glamorous snow leopard fur coat for dogs.

ruby the chihuahua

ruby and bella’s rambunctious and playful nature make them a very entertaining pair. there is never a dull moment when the two of them are present, but at the end of the day you can find them snuggled in their blankets for the night.

suzanne says she is intrigued by the chihuahua breed. their intelligence, audacity and charm never fails to amaze her and anyone who has had the pleasure of owning a chihuahua will be sure to tell you the same. once a chihuahua lover always a chihuahua lover!



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