molly famouschihuahua

meet molly, an adorable tan deerhead chihuahua from west palm beach!

dearhead chihuahua

“look mama, i’m famous!

molly is the 8 year old deer head chihuahua of sandy gonzalez from west palm beach, florida.  she loves to dress up in cute chihuahua clothes, but lives for “mama time”on sandy’s lap.

chihuahua santa claus

“i’m santa paws!”

“mama, is it true? is famous chihuahua is having their annual christmas picture contest?”

dear head tan chihuahua

“i love you mama!”

congratulations sandy, your sweet little darling molly is now a famous chihuahua!

is your chihuahua famous in your eyes?  click here to submit their picture!

sale on chihuahua clothes!


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