peanut famous chihuahua

meet peanut, a tiny teacup-size chihuahua from ocean springs, mississippi!

teacup chihuahua

“look mommy, i’m famous!”

this darling little teacup-size chihuahua puppy is peanut.  he was rescued from a terrible situation, where he was neglected, infested with fleas and kept outside!  peanut is only 2 months old and weighs a mere .49 ounces!  he is super tiny with a soft spot on his skull that will never close (water on the brain), thus he will always need special care and medication.  regardless, he is the most loving little pup that doesn’t bark or cry.  prayers for peanut to have a long and happy life are appreciated!

congratulations shelly, peanut is now is officially a fun, furry and fabulous famous chihuahua®

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