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meet ricco the rescue, a prime example of a little heart with big love!

rescue chihuahua

“look mama, i’m a famous chihuahua!”

ricco was discovered for sale on craigslist by melanie manninen.  she swooped in, rescued him and gave him a good home.  she treated him for neglected health issues and now he is healthy.

adoption is nothing new to melanie, as she feels blessed to be able to experience the joy, love and companionship rescues like ricco give to her.  ricco is a sweet boy that loves to run, play, fetch and pose for pictures.  he may have had a rough start, but it is with great enthusiasm that we now pronounce him a superstar!

congratulations melonie, your sweet ricco is now officially a famous chihuahua!

are you a proud chihuahua momma?  send us your chihuahua photo!


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