rocky birthday

rocky, the rescued chihuahua living the big city life!

rocky the rescue chihuahua who is now living large!

hi famous chihuahua!

i am rocky the chihuahua and my story is truly a ‘rocky’ one, but it has a happy ending! i once was a puppy mill chihuahua who was first adopted by a family in florida. sadly though, i was abandoned by them when they could no longer afford my growing medical bills.

lucky for me however, this great organization called the bc chihuahua rescue at heard of my story and flew all the way to florida to bring me back to vancouver, canada, where i was later adopted for a second time by a loving couple and their other rescued chihuahua shorty. at first i was very shy and scared, but shorty really helped me to relax and feel at home with my new family.

living in a high-rise in downtown vancouver made for several of new things to get used to like elevators, escalators and even some snow! for fun, i love to wrestle with shorty, fetch sticks and give out high-fives. my absolute favorite thing in the world are seashells dropped by seagulls; if i find one, i’ll roll around and play with it.

recently i celebrated my 2nd birthday in style with a pupcake, some cool toys and a fiery new birthday outfit. here is a photo from my birthday party, i hope you like it!

big kisses,
rocky the chihuahua from vancouver, british columbia


4 Comments. Leave new

  • The people that rescued him are the best! Good job the owners of rocky!

  • i have a dog named rocky and is also a chichi. my dad also rescued him from adoption cuz they were almost going to kill him with the shot! Im only 12 but I LOVE small dogs like chihuahuas

  • awww poor chichi send my luv to ur baby!im only 12 but i understand all chihuahua stories and wish to have one once i move out at 19!i luv chichis and i think you are amazing for getting him from the bc chihuahua rescue.I would go to the chihuahua rescue but i live in the u.k.

    luv you rocky, meg xxxkissesxxx

  • poor thing I hate puppy mills i wish there was no such thing. I have tried to raise money to stop them but i havent been called for the results yet:( i hope I raised enough to stop at least 5!

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