ruby chihuahua

meet ruby! …this little miracle chihuahua is a whopping 2.5 lbs of loving!

i'm famous mama!

“mama, i’m famous!”

little ruby was born on february 1, 2008 and lives in estevan, saskatchewan, canada with her proud mama stacey lawrence. ruby was born to one of the chihuahuas at gan haven (stacey’s breeder kennel), but at 8 weeks old she had a horrible reaction to her first vaccination and it took 3 whole weeks to nurse her back to health. by the time she was healthy enough to be adopted, stacey and her husband had become very attached to little ruby and they decided to keep her.

at 4 years old, ruby is happy and healthy. she loves the attention she gets while shopping when she’s all dressed up in her cute chihuahua outfits. as for stacey and her husband, they simply can’t imagine life with out her.

congratulations stacey, your little gem ruby is now a famous chihuahua!

rescue a chihuahua from one of these chihuahua rescue organizations!

is your chihuahua the next big thing? click here to submit your chihuahua picture!


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