Meet Miss RubyRose! A super cute teacup chihuahua from Marayong, NSW!

rubyrose famous chihuahua

white teacup chihuahua

“Look mama, I’m famous!”

Meet Miss RubyRose!  She’s a 9 year old pure white, teacup-size chihuahua from Marayong, New South Whales, that is miraculously is still here after being attacked by a cat and having blood poisoning!  She is a fighter and survived two life-saving surgeries after these traumas!

RubyRose has the sweetest personality, rarely barks, and LOVES chicken, sleeping and laying by the heater.  She dislikes baths (as you can see in the picture), but loves cuddles and kisses from her mum.

Congratulations Kristy Miller!  RubyRose is officially a fun, furry and fabulous famous chihuahua!

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