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helpful chihuahua information and facts chihuahua owners should know!

the chihuahua, with its apple-dome skull and large luminous eyes, can wear a remarkably human expression at times

is the chihuahua the right pet for you?

the chihuahua, with its apple-head skull and large luminous eyes, can wear a remarkably human expression at times and will want to be with you most, if not all of the time.

warning: don’t buy a chihuahua if you don’t have the emotional real estate in your heart or the time for the complete love and attention of this furry little pet.  they are like children.

chihuahuas can be smooth coat or long coat,  apple head or dear head, blue coat or merle coat,  there is no chihuahua breed standard distinction made between the two in the united states since both smooth coat and long coat can occur in a litter.  experienced chihuahua owners say that each dog of this breed has their own unique personality; this is a very individualistic breed.

a few generalizations can be made. chihuahuas are graceful, energetic, and swift-moving canines.  they have often been described as having “terrier-like” qualities; that is, the qualities of being alert, observant, and keen on interacting with their masters.  they are extremely loyal and get attached to one or two persons.

these tiny and sometimes teacup size dogs are certainly unaware of their diminutive stature: they can be bold with other dogs much larger than themselves, and protective of their masters.  they are fiercely loyal to their masters and wary of any strangers or new guests introduced into the household, which the chihuahua considers to be its personal domain.  for these reasons, chihuahuas make good watch dogs (not guard dogs!).

the chihuahua needs a great deal of human contact: touching, petting, and general attention.  if the chihuahua does not get this, she or he will use various attention-getting tricks until you give her/him attention.  like using paws to lightly scratch the hand, a signal that says, “pet me now!” some owners who have had other, more independent breeds may find the chihuahua too needy.  however, they give a lot of love and affection in return for your care.

keeping more than one chihuahua can greatly ease the dog’s stress when left alone each day if the owner works.  they will compete for your attention when you get home though. because they are by nature gentle, loyal, and sweet-tempered, chihuahuas are ideal for single people, the elderly, the handicapped, and shut-ins.

chihuahuas will keep you company for hours by lying on your lap or beside your torso if in bed, and treat you like royalty.  no one with a chihuahua in their household will ever be truly alone.  they are quite happy in apartments, as long as there is enough to play with and explore.

opinions differ on how to bathe a chihuahua.  some say that bathing too often removes the natural oils from the coat, and thus dandruff will result and the coat will look dull. others say that shampooing on occasion with certain brands of shampoo can actually enhance the sheen of the coat.  chihuahuas should be bathed at least twice a month, otherwise they develop an unpleasant smell.  this is actually due to the skin cells that humans sloth off onto the chihuahua!  so humans are the main contributors to that smell that can develop.

when bathing, take care not to get water into their ears, as an infection can develop.  you will need to trim their nails at least once a month too.  on the smaller dogs, cat claw trimmers can be used.  it’s good to start a nail trimming routine early on so that your dog becomes accustomed to your handling its paws not to mention getting used to the clippers.  owners should also be aware that chihuahuas are prone to knee problems like luxating patellas or “weak knees.”  this can occur as they get older.  if it causes difficulty in walking, take your dog to the vet.

if a chihuahua pup has its american kennel club official certificate papers, a new pup can run up to $600.00.  the papers (which the breeder provides) mean that the parents of your chihuahua pup is registered with the akc and that the puppy is registrable.

additionally, some chihuahua breeders provide pedigree papers which trace the family history beyond the immediate parents.  these papers are vital if you plan to enter your new dog into exhibitions and competitions.  these certificates and papers ensure that the dog is a purebred; however, just because a dog has papers, doesn’t mean it is any more special than a pup bought from a friend.

toy breeds live the longest of any size dog.  expect a life-span of 11-18 years.

when buying a leash for your chihuahua, remember that its neck is rather small and delicate compared to other dog’s necks.  you cannot (and, indeed, should not) yank your dog around by the leash.  a body-harness for small dogs is recommended for two reasons: safety and comfort.  if fitted right, it will give your pet a secure and comfortable walk, and harnesses also ensure your dog cannot run into traffic or a bigger creature.

chihuahuas also prefer several small meals per day, rather than one big meal.  they are high-strung dogs.  “high-strung” can be defined as: barks easily, does not adapt easily to change in environment, is suspicious of strangers and will growl at them, and flips in circles and jumps around when excited (like when you come home after a five-minute absence, for instance).  your friends will see the worst side of them and never believe you when you tell them that your little buddy is really a gentle, sweet-natured dog.

are chihuahuas good with children?

generally, no.  however if you socialize them with children at an early age, chihuahuas will go out of their way to love, protect and accept children.

do chihuahuas need clothing?

owners must be very sensitive to the fact that short-haired chihuahuas, and even long-haired ones, are vulnerable to the cold.  in temperatures of 35-40 degrees fahrenheit, it is recommended that you dress your chihuahua in a warm dog sweater for brief walks.  walking your chihuahua in temperatures below 35 degrees fahrenheit is strongly discouraged, especially when there is a wind-chill factor.

in this, as in other aspects of dog maintenance, keep your dogs’ health top priority, not your own desire.  it is a characteristic of the chihuahua to prefer to sleep under a cloth or blanket.  they will even get under pillows in order to feel snug.  if you are raising a pup, be sure to provide them with a soft towel or blanket in their sleeping area so they can burrow underneath it.   don’t be surprised if your chihuahua scrambles under your blankets at night, even though your house or apartment may not be particularly cold.

chihuahuas are quite the sun-worshipers.  they prefer to bask in the sun for hours and have been known to lie in a spot of sun no larger than the size of a half-dollar!  unfortunately, they are not sensible in this regard and will stay in the sun even when panting begins.

watching your chihuahua in hot weather to be sure that they don’t suffer from heat stroke is a genuine chihuahua health concern.  chihuahuas do shiver when they’re cold, but they also shiver when they are wary, excited, unhappy, or frightened.  this is a result of having a high metabolism, and is a normal characteristic of this breed.

the amazing ebook, caring for chihuahuas made easy, breed information, health care and nutrition teaches you about chihuahua ownership and shows you how to properly care for such a small dog!  every chihuahua owner should have it!

below is a sample page from the section on chihuahua facts!

is the chihuahua the right pet for you?girl dog fashions

make your chihuahua famous! send us your chihuahua picture!


164 Comments. Leave new


  • My three year old chihuahua is missing teeth in the bottom jaw not sure if she lost her adult teeth or they never grew out. Anyone know what could be going on? I have read is common for the breed to loose their teeth early but gain how do I know if she lost them, she never bled or showed signs of discomfort. Thanks

  • I have a 18mth old desexed male chihuahua,we r very close like most chi,s and their owners, I,m at home all the time ,so he has my full attention all the time, if i go out he always comes with me. I was thinking about getting him another chi, playmate, thinking he still may need other doggy commpanonship, i know he would love this, but i dont think he will like sharing my lap. question is do chi,s need another chi, ? if they have you there all the time, is he missing out on dog companionship? he does meetup with other dogs at the park. thanks all.

  • i’ve had other breeds for some 50 years thinking small “rat dogs” are not for me…soooo wrong! All these comments are spot on…my chi “Candy” even eats spicy (and often) among unique things these darling chihuahuas do. she’d live on my lap if she could. Surprisingly smart too not to mention the extraordinary hearing they have. i’m totally sold!

  • I just adopted a 5 year old chi! true love!

  • I have two chi’s. One is chocolate and around 9 years old (rescued dog)” Lucky” and the other one “Bella” is 9 months old. Bella is a golden color with her yellow eyes matching her coat. I have owned chis in the past and I love these dogs. everything they say about them is true. Very affectionate and are very protective. They don’t seem to have problems with people. Bella loves kids, lucky is ok with them but don’t get too close. lucky was an abused dog, used in cage fights. he was afraid of a lot of things when we got him. he is now very spoiled and loved. Chi’s are easy to spoil. Best dogs ever! They are always so glad to see you.

  • My Chi Munch a bunch ( she loved to chew everything when she was a pup) she is a year and a half. Very territorial of me. Anyway she had a pup only one and although I took her to the vet when she started to deliver in case of the need of a c section. The pup did not make it. The vet had me leave munch there for a few hours to recover from the birth when I returned she was of course happy to see me it has been a week and when I say she will not leave my side I mean she will not leave my side if I go pee and shut the door she screeches a high pitch screech outside the door. Normally she loves everyone in the family and I could leave her home when I ran to the store because it is getting cold out ( NY) but now when I leave she cries til I come home. WIll this stop? I have literally stopped going to the store except when my kids are home so she can sit int he car running to stay warm and they hate it because she screeches the whole time I am in the store. not to mention she was fine with my other animals my pitt and other chi before all this and since she has bit my pitt twice causing her nose to bleed. Thank god Karma is a sweet heart and scares my othe chi to death I honestly need help and I cant find anything on line my vet says I have no clue since she is a 4.8 pound chi he says he never dealt with anything this small and I have taken her to him thinking she was in pain but there is nothing wrong it is her wanting me any help please

  • mi spiegate perche ilmio cucciolo chiuhaha scappa quando lo voglio prendere? però poi mi segue sempre ed ovunque solo che non si vuole far prendere poi lo afferro e vuole stare in braccio per ore????????

  • My chis name is peke…and I agree wth other comments. I soon diskovrd…. She needs lots of attention and will go to extremes to getn it.. What I luv abt mi chi she’s very clean… She’s a wndrful pet

  • I just got Brandy, my first chi… I’m so happy of having him. He’s just 2 months old but he’s soooo loyal. He follows me everywhere and starts crying the second I leave. I’m in love with him. Tiny dog, requires a lot of attention but I’m happy to devote ALL my free time to him.

  • […] are fiercely loyal to their masters and wary of any strangers … … Read the rest here: chihuahua facts every chihuahua owner should know! | famous … ← What Breed Mix Is […]

  • I have a chihuahua puppy 4 months old who seems to love EVEryone, it’s great! he’s friendly with strangers, friends that come over, he even wanted to sniff and play with the plumber who came to fix our bathtub! We have a 9 year old son and the dog gets along really well with him, they play together all the time. We also have 4 cats and he plays with them too and I think it helps him not be so aggressive with other animals because he is used to having a lot of animals around. great dog!!!

  • We just got our first chihuahua. she is 10 months old now. This site has been so informative. I thought she was extra special…looks like they all are. We just love her to death.

  • My Brandie is 12 years old and she is my baby. The article is very accurate. I love this breed of dog. They are very loyal.

  • we find this article pretty accurate in describing how a chihuahua is like! as i’m typing this, jemma is in my lap snoozing away…and we’ve been like this for almost an hour. it’s true that i’m *never* alone! she moves from room to room to be with me. and if, for some reason, she doesn’t end up staying in the room for long, she’ll come back periodically to “check” on me. it’s so adorable. they are super loyal…i love this breed.

  • My Jackie , loves the three boys .
    She runs around the two year old with her cheque cookie monster and bites his feet 😉
    She’s our girl sent from up above;)

  • i have a cream chihuahua and i love her to bits and she is sleeping on my as i am typing this.
    chihuahuas are an amazing breed and i recommend them to everyone.

  • i have a chihuahua she is black and tiny and i igree they are like chidrens she has to sleep under the blankets at night

  • Chihuahuas and children; depends on if they are raised around children, and if children are trained appropriately. I do no allow my young grandchildren to carry my dog, and I try to explain that they should not put their faces near his while he eats….sigh

  • is it normal for a spouse to become very jealous of my love for my chihuahua? she is like my child. I don’t ignore my spouse at all. but it just seems like he is very jealous of our relationship. I take her most places and she sleeps on our bed. anyone else have this issue?

  • I disagree with your comment that they are not good for children, I breed these wonderful dogs and mine have all always loved kids! I have one child and 3 nephews who love to hug and kiss them, the range inage from4-11 and my chis love the kids.

  • Yes: Clean your Chihuahua’s teeth! If they become accustomed to it very early it shouldn’t be a problem…clean teeth will spare them from bad breath and a whole host of other health problems– like heart problems!
    I have had 7 Chihuahuas in my life, all lived to ripe old ages. This blog states that they live to be 11-18 but the “latter is rare.” I had two Chi’s live to be 19, one was 20, one 18, the other 15. My last remaining two are 13 and 6. They are in great health and I expect a long life for each of them!
    If anyone is reading this and unsure about whether or not to adopt a Chi, let me warn you…they will steal your sould! They are wonderful companions, and I love this breed!

  • My vet informed me that most Chis lose all of their teeth by 9-years-old (as in, have to have them removed). I didn’t realize this. My Chi is 7 and just had to have half of his teeth removed because he is not heavy enough to clean his own teeth by eating. You should brush your Chi’s teeth once per week by using a finger, some dog toothpaste, and gauze.

  • I completely agree with the above statement. I have a little chi called Alfred and he is the most wonderful pet. I would recommend chihuahua as a pet, as they are loyal, funny and very loving

  • I just want to know how long will thay have there friend she just got it for the first time so fur that I know cause I just got her a week ago She turn 2 today. So can you plesae help out with her..Thanks Cindy

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