mrjiggles chihuahua

mr jiggles, mac’s beloved chihuahua that will be treasured forever

rest in peace our sweet mr. jiggles

dear famous chihuahua®,

i am sending my story as therapy more than anything. i recently lost my beloved chihuahua, mr. jiggles, my constant companion for the past five years.

my wife and i got mr. jiggles by way of my wife’s mom, whose friend volunteered at the local animal rescue organization and told us that the rescue had a frightened little chihuahua that had been taken from it’s home by the police for reported abuse.

mr. jiggles was a very scared little chihuahua with a scar on his back from a cigarette burn. he was afraid of our feet, so we figured he had been kicked. over time he began to trust us and getting what i called a “foot rubbing” became his favorite pass time.

i am 60 years old and work from home. mr. jiggles and i have never been apart for more that a few hours. he was more my dog than my wife’s or daughter’s. he sat in my lap when i worked at the computer and he slept with us. my wife often said that mr. jiggles had become an attachment. he was always no more than a few feet from me.

mr. jiggles was the embodiment of all things that represent the positive in life: unconditional love, loyalty, (i’m having a hard time seeing through my tears as i write) acceptance, companionship, ego less, non-judgmental, selfless, understanding, patience and cooperative.

mr. jiggles got me through some of the worst times in my life because he was always there no matter what. i truly loved mr. jiggles with all my heart and i miss him dearly. i often told him that if one of us died first, we would meet up somewhere again. him passing has left a hole in my heart …he had become part of me.

can anyone understand how a grown man can cry like a baby at just the thought of his dog?

presently in mourning,

mac trades

related: amazing world famous chihuahua wheely willy dies

world famous taco bell chihuahua dies of stroke at 15 years old

in loving memory of mickey rourke’s famous chihuahua loki

famous chihuahua remembers chooch the chihuahua


24 Comments. Leave new

  • Hello, mr. mac,
    Today will be a week that I lost my chi, chiba to a complicated pregnancy and she had bad seizures. I had to take her back to a vet but not locally but in nashville. It was so bad that the vet told me and my boyfriend that she had to be put down to sleep. We were crying like crazy. We had her for 6 years and was the best chihuahua in our lives. Chiba loved us unconditionally, was loyal, protective, she followed me every where, best companion, just the happiest dog ever. Til, this day I still think of her and I cry. She was my baby. I know how you feel in losing mr. jiggles coz I feel the same as you…mourning. Im still sad til this day like a part of me is gone which it is. My chi is with all of yalls chis playing under the rainbow bridge


  • my husband and I feel your pain. we just lost our beloved chihuahua Jazz today. had to put him to sleep and it was awful. he was my constant companion for 13 years and when i remarried 5 years ago he also became a constant companion to my husband who works from home often. he was the most loving, loyal companion ever. a total momma’s baby who also completely fell in love with and accepted his new daddy when that time came. we both cried like babies when we lost him today, and will continue to do so for a very long time.

  • so so cute! looks like my little Smooth Coat Chihuahua Prince!
    Chihuahuas are the best dogs ever!
    thanks so much for sharing

    Merry Xmas

  • Mac,

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. My Husband and I Lost our little guy a week and a half ago. It has truly been the most heartbreaking experience I have ever gone through. GG sounds a lot like Mr. Jiggles. He was a shy nervous dog that would mostly run upstairs under the bed at the sight of a stranger, but when he felt safe he was such a sweet little guy. He was always there for me, and gave so much love. I got GG when I was 17, he went through so much with me, living on my own for the first time, College, jobs, boyfriends, and on to find my husband and his Daddy that he grew to love so much! I can’t help to feel that I’ve lost a little part of myself in losing him. I know he will always be in my heart, as Mr. Jiggles is in yours. I am sorry that we are both going through such a painful experience in losing our best friends, but I hope you can find some comfort and knowing you’re not alone.


  • Thanks to all for your comments. It is very encouraging to know that there are so many caring people who understand the wonderful love of our God given friends.

  • Dear Mac,
    So sorry for your loss but so happy you gave Mr Jiggles a wonderful life. I love my Chihuahua very much as well. As I read your letter I rubbed her back. She is my life and my heart as well. One thing i know for sure is that Mr Jiggles will be waiting there for you, all that love does not go away. It seems as though you needed Mr Jiggles as much as he needed you.
    You gave him a wonderful life..
    Thinking of a fellow Chihuahua lover as well.

  • Hi Mac,
    So sorry for your loss. I understand totally how deeply a beloved pet can touch you. Our family lost our beloved Tinker (long-haired chi) this past March. She was only 10 and died from heart issues. I grew up with dogs, all of whom we loved for long happy lives, and still do in our memories.

    Something was different about Tinker’s passing though, for all of us.
    Maybe it’s because she’s the first to pass since I (the last kid) moved out. Maybe it’s because she was the first Chi in the family, and by her nature was literally always closer to us than those who came before. Maybe because she died too young – probably a bit of all of that.

    Not living at home anymore, I didn’t get the news until the night after – I balled til I couldn’t breathe and then balled some more, hugging my young Chi, Mojo. Tink was the first to have private cremation and to be returned to my parents. I heard that my father cried when he held the little urn. I too shed tears when I visited, and saw the little urn, enshrined with Tink’s ‘necklace’ and photo, which I edited to give our little angel a halo.

    Yes Mac, I totally feel for you. I’m crying as I write this actually. Nothing wrong with that. These animals can be as close to us as any people, and it can hurt just as badly when we lose them. I hope that soon, you can have peace and find joy in the good memories.

    RIP Mr. Jiggles. Tinker and others will keep you company while you wait for your loved ones by the rainbow bridge. We’ll see them all again someday…

  • If you told me 5 years ago I would be ga-ga over a chihuahua, I would have laughed myself silly! That was before Wendy came into my life and changed everything. She was a special needs Chi, having seizures. Her Momma was elderly, and had to enter a nursing home; family & friends did not want to take her to a shelter due to her condition, feared she would be “put down”. To make a long story short, I love this dog like no other . . . she is my constant companion, always happy and affectionate, and I truly don’t think I would have survived my divorce (after a 20-year marriage) last year without her unconditional love and company. You have my sympathy, Mac, they make you whole and a better person.

  • Dear Mac,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I know it hurts now but with time it will become more bearable. I lost my toy poodle Chelsea 2 yrs ago after we had been together for over 14 yrs. I still miss her but I keep her in my heart always. I got a chihuahua from a rescue and think Chelsea would be happy that I am giving another dog a home with all the love that she had while she was here. Remember you will see Mr. Jiggles again on the Rainbow Bridge and until then love all dogs in honor of him.

  • MY chichi…loves me when i ugly..when im fat…when im down…and on and on and on. when i am down and feel bad, depressed…..and she knows when something is wrong with her mommy..she gives me such comfort and she is my best friend….rest in peace mr. jiggles.

  • Rest In Peace………..Beloved Mr Jiggles.

  • Dear Mac
    How I understand your broken heart. I’ve lost beloved animals, and it’s sooooooo hard when they leave, but be sure that you’ll meet again and meanwhile he will allways be keeping an eye on you until that day. Take care .
    Huggs Loulou

  • Dear Mac,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You are a very great man taking in a pet who has trust issues. Just the fact that you and he bonded the way you did was proof that there is 1 pet for every person. I have a Chi named Bella and she is two years old. I just recently found out that she has a liver shunt. When I heard that I so scared I was going to lose her. I just can’t imagine being without her. Luckily we caught it before it turned serious. So in a small way I know what your are feeling. Maybe someday you will be able to move on and give another Chi in distress the love you gave Mr Jiggles. HUGS

  • Be proud of the love you shared and the care and dedication you gave Mr Jiggles, I am sure he really appreciated it after such a bad start in life. He found in you a best friend and a true companion, I know one day you’ll meet on Rainbow Bridge and you will both be reunited once more. With all my love and huge hugs.

  • Robyn VanWagenen
    December 8, 2010 8:29 pm

    SO sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my little guy Scruffy 5 years ago on Christmas Eve, tragically he was hit by a car in front of me and his big brother Rocky. I never thought Rocky and I would recover …Since…we have rescued two more Chihuahua’s to join our family…Baby Skye and Lizzie Borden. Time does heal…but they are never gone in our hearts….I have comfort in knowing some day we will be reunited at “The Rainbow Bridge”.

  • I know how you feel,I lost my 2 Chihuahuas
    6 years ago and I still miss them every day.They were with me for a long time and were my children.
    The pain will ease over time and you will begin to smile when you think of Mr.Jiggles.I know it is hard to think about right now but ther are so many Chihuahuas out there that need the kind of love you can provide.I said there was no way I could get another because I couldn’t bear the thought of going through the pain of loss again,But as I am writing this I have my baby Cocoa sitting in my lap,and Gracie is lying in a patch of sun.The love and devotion they bring into your life is something I realized I didn’t want to live without.My thoughts are with you as you grieve,the memories you made with Mr.Jiggles will be with you for a lifetime.

  • hi there. why did he die? i have also a pincher but she died last year ..she was hit by a car in front of our house and until now im still crying..i love her so much…i miss her. my heart goes out to you.

  • Dear Mac,
    As I read your letter, I completely understand. I am going through the exact same feelings, as I lost my chihuahua a month ago. Every day I sob, and feel an immense sense of sorrow from loosing my best friend.
    I completely understand how you feel. My chihuahua was my best friend, and I could never imagine life without him. He was by my side all the time. I didn’t even know it was possible to have such a love or bond or friendship with an animal like what I experienced.
    And I do believe that loosing an animal companion is the same as loosing a human family member. The pain is intense, and it hurts.
    Especially around the house when you see little things that remind you of your baby. And there is something about chihuahua’s that are just so special.
    So just know there is someone out there going through the same thing you are….and feeling the pain, and just know that it’s normal to feel that intense pain, because animals are such a gift from God and they are soo wonderful, how could we not have such a love and friendship while they’re here with us on earth, and then not miss them when they go to heaven.
    And I truly believe that they are in heaven with The Lord.
    Keep in mind this bible verse:
    For the soul of every living thing is in the hand of God. Job 12:10
    If you need to talk further, e mail me at: [email protected]
    I could use someone who’s going through the same thing and understands too.
    Mr. Jiggles was a beautiful creature, and so was my Lou, maybe they are playing together now, smelling the grass, chasing bumble bees, and laying in the sun together 🙂

  • Regina Trainque
    December 8, 2010 7:20 pm

    I am sorry for your loss. It’s very hard losing a part of the family. May your memories ease the heart ache you feel.

  • Yes I can understand my harley loves my hubby who is an x rugby player and he totally adores him
    It does not matter how small they are the love they give is enormous
    Mr Jiggles was glad to have found you both and you have given him all the love in the world
    He eill be missing u as well , I am sure his love is still around you
    God bless you all. Love Lesley

  • I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for rescuing Mr Jiggles and giving him a loving home for the last 5 years. KNow you will see him again someday and he will be ready for some foot rubbing. 🙂

  • Melissa Plymale
    December 8, 2010 7:04 pm

    Dear Mac,
    I also lost my little baby girl chi, Princess Chloe Tesla, and she was only 4 months old. I still to this day mourn her, and probably always will. Chloe and I had such a bond that I dont really think I could have a bond like that again.
    I am so sorry for your loss, there is nothing anyone can say or do to ease your pain. Just do what comes naturally, and cry like a baby and mourn! Time will ease your pain, I am told, and know your Mr. Jiggles is at the Rainbow Bridge with my Chloe playing and running, never to be abused again!!!!!!!!!
    Big Chi hugs to you and your family!
    Melissa Plymale

  • I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I have each lost Chihuahuas who were a part of us so we know exactly what you are going through. It’s heartbreaking. You and Mr. Jiggles were so lucky to have each other. It sounds like he was a very special little guy. Tresure the memories!

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