beanie the adopted chihuahua

tank the chihuahua

beanie the adopted chihuahua

dear famous chihuahua,

this is a picture of my new chihuahua named beanie. i have to thank you and your website for bringing her into my life. you see i lost my sweet chooch the chihuahua a few months ago who suddenly died on january 19, 2009. after losing my chooch i kept checking out your site to see some new cute faces.

you recently featured a chihuahua post called paris hilton syndrome hits animal care control with a plea to adopt a new chihuahua if you loved the breed, so i followed the link and found my little beanie. i saw her picture on a friday and she was home with me that sunday. i have had her for 1 week and am totally in love.

beanie is 12 years old and was surrendered to a shelter because the owner was moving and did not have room for her. their loss was my gain. beanie is quite a character, she gets along great with my two other dogs and seven cats. she is very spunky for her age and is already running the house, keeping the other dogs in line. she gets fed first and has her pick of the four dog beds. she sleeps with me at night and i wouldn’t have it any other way.

please keep up putting out the good word on chihuahua rescue organizations and the adoption of older chihuahua’s – they just don’t do well in shelters.

thank you again for my little beanie,

allison blau
fair lawn, nj

.. and update on little beanie!

hi famous chihuahua,

i thought you would like to know how she is getting along. well since april she has really become a fun and wonderful addition to my family. sometimes when i watch her sleeping i wonder how she likes being here with us. she seems so content, happy and relaxed, i wonder about how she was treated before coming to my family.

when its time to go to bed beanie and tank (rescued chihuahua/pug mix 7 years old) run to my room waiting for their cheese. all three of us share a couple of pieces of cheese before we go to sleep, beanie uses the stairs i have set up for her to get in bed and tank gets right in his bed next to my bed and both wait for their cheese, of course bean has to cry and carry on, but tank just waits quietly.

after the cheese is handed out beanie settles in under the covers, but after a while she pokes her head out, lands it on her pillow and sleeps the night away. as soon as my alarm clock goes off she gets up and starts giving me little tiny kisses. then rolls on her back waiting for her belly rubs which of course i oblige. i am happy every single day that she came into my life.

tank the chihuahua

here is a picture of tank, even though he is a chi mix! tank is without a doubt the very best dog i have ever adopted, i got him from a shelter in december 2008 at 7 years old and cannot express enough what a great dog he is. they say he was found wandering around in perth, amboy nj so no story is known about him but i can tell you that he is the absolute best dog.

all i have to do is look at him and he wags his tail. he does not like being on the furniture but loves dog beds so i have 4 beds though out the apartment for him. i have been a very lucky person being able to adopt both of these dogs. i do have one more dog, remy a mix from north shore animal league whom i adopted as a puppy 12 years ago. remy is my heart. plus i also have 6 rescued cats.

thank you for this website, i love checking in daily to get my chihuahua fix.

kisses to teaka,

allison blau
fair lawn, nj



  • Rest in peace my bean. our time together was so short but you were loved a life time with me. thanks teaka for bring her into my life.

  • my bean is very sick, she is in the hospital with breathing problems. i am so worried for her. hang in there little girl

  • Those animals all won the animal lottery the day you came into their lives! You are an inspiration. My chi “Chip” came to me in Canada from California in Nov 2009. Both he and my rescue cat have me wrapped around their little claws. I wouldn’t have it any other way. What a lovely story yours is to read. 🙂

  • I am so happy you choose to adopt. People have no clue that City Shelters are full of great adoptable pets, and in Los Angeles, FULL of Chihuahuas ( # 3 breed in LA shelters ) I try so hard to spread the word, hoping people will at least check out if in the U.S.
    Your fur pack sound like characters 😉

    Thanks again for choosing to adopt – please everyone, consider adopting. Or at least suggest it to anyone you know looking for a pet. My 2 Chihuahua girls are adopted, and I love them more than they will ever know.

  • Hi my name is michelle,
    Beanie the chihuahua is SUPER CUTE!!!!
    there is a beanie baby that is a chihuahua like yours i have it it is adorable!

  • I’m so happy that you were able to rescue another chihuahua- Chooch would be pleased, I’m sure! I rescued a 6year old chi mix a couple years ago and couldn’t be happier- best of luck to you and your newest family member!

  • Ryan - Chihuahua Names
    April 29, 2009 3:32 pm

    That’s such a cute Chihuahua, thanks for sharing he picture/information with us

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