cesar milan chihuahuas

train your chihuahua with cesar millan’s dog training tips and tricks

tune into cesar milan's the dog whisperer and discover tips and tricks to train your chihuahua!

One of the most popular shows on TV right now is Cesar Millan’s The Dog Whisperer. Cesar has an uncanny ability to rehabilitate dogs from all backgrounds. His work with tougher breeds has been phenomenal and has given many dogs a second chance. Working with traditionally aggressive breeds like pit bulls and small protective dog breeds like chihuahuas has allowed Cesar to succeed with communicating and rehabilitating dogs in a matter of minutes.

Cesar’s show on National Geographic can be viewed through DirecTV, which you can learn more about at www.DirectstarTV.com, and through other media providers. His international appeal has provided him with great success outside of the United States as well.

Cesar’s tricks are nothing new to the dog training scene. His show is certainly one of a kind on television, but nothing surprising to dog trainers. Basically, he attempts to think like a dog. Since dogs are pack animals, it is necessary to establish an order of authority. Cesar makes himself the “Alpha-dog” through a series of touches, sounds, and intuitive body movements. Other dogs recognize him immediately as the pack leader. This inevitably gives him the edge on any dogs attempting to be overly aggressive with others in the pack. He simply makes a movement and the dogs’ threats subside.

Cesar has quite an entertaining personality. He works with the owners as much if not more than the dogs. In fact, the show should be the called “The People Whisperer” because the dogs often seem more intelligent than the owners. Some of the best episodes are owners of small breed dogs such as chihuahuas. In these episodes, the dogs act like they are the mortgage holders because their owners have no idea how to handle them.

Another element that makes the show funny is Cesar’s accent and blunt statements to the dog owners. While not being mean, he is direct. His directness certainly makes the show more interesting and dramatic as some folks are not used to frank language. When working with animals, Cesar recognizes the importance of sobriety and clear communication with both animals and humans.

Cesar speaks with so much authority that he seems to possess a PhD in canine psychology. If dogs were to rally together and choose one of their own to run for the President of the United States, they would certainly vote for Cesar Millan. Such a choice might not be a bad option if one has seen the show!


16 Comments. Leave new

  • Annette Shapiro
    February 2, 2020 4:05 pm

    I adopted a 3-1/2 Chihuahua. Cheeto has attached himself to me. I am happy about that. The part that upsets me is his going after everyone else. I stop him dead in his tracks immediately. My question is, how do I go about getting him comfortable with everyone?

  • Abigail Wilson
    January 19, 2019 3:54 pm

    My Chihuahua is super awesome, except he is peeing and pooping on the carpets… when HE KNOWS he is supposed to go directly on the pee pad… Can someone please help me? I am super frustrated and at my wit end.

  • I am picking up my puppy in a couple weeks and I want to get off on the right foot with potty training. Can you please pass on any tips that could help to potty train my new Chihuahua puppy?
    Thank you,

  • How do you stop a good 1year old chi-rat from peeing on the floor at every little wind? he also pee’ed on my bed and that was the last straw. I dont want to give up on him. He’s a great pup.

  • Terese Desrosiers
    April 29, 2018 1:51 pm

    I have a 6.5 year old Chihuahua, right from the start I trained her not to bark at nothing, peeing on a pad and outside, and because I read the books I never stopped people from holding her. I passed her every chance I got. Now I have a lovable dog who people look forward to seeing. We get invited every where and I have puppy sitters lined up for years. Friends of mine have even said their next dog will be a Chihuahua as long as I start the training.

  • Hey Cesar I have a 9 month old Chihuahua and he is pretty unpredictable I never know wjen he’s going to bite visitors he bites small children he lives in a full house but is aware that I’m his owner I got him when he was 5 weeks old and I bottle fed him for some reason when hes alone with my boyfriend he is an angel he is nice to people but when jes with me he’ll bite anyone next to me.

  • Violetta Diacomihalis
    July 1, 2017 4:09 am

    Hi Ceaser, i’ve recently just got a female chihuahua she is 7 weeks old and pees all over the carpet even when she has a puppy pad 10cm next to her. She only poops once a day which worries me. I would love some guidance to keep her to not bark and to be potty trained outside. Thankyou

  • Cesar, we got a 7 week old Chihuahua/tea cup poodle mix, now 7 months old and want to make sure we are training him right. With all we have read their minds are wired differently and we want to make sure that he is happy and that we are communicating with him in the best possible way. Please help. Thank You!

  • Victoria Wooten
    April 17, 2016 8:40 am

    Ceaser my name is Victoria Wooten we just got a nine week old Chihuahua we also have an 11 year old Chihuahua who we’ve had since she was 6 weeks old we are looking for the best way to track down your Chihuahua please please tell me the best way to train him thank you

  • Gladys Murphy
    March 8, 2016 12:53 pm

    My female chihuahua is one year old and is a barker. I’ve put her in her kennel, have thrown water at her, used the ssss sound, even from a can that makes the same sound. She also nips at people’s heel and it is mostly men and kids.
    Her Name is Chica

  • Patrice simard tremblay
    December 10, 2015 2:36 am

    Hello ceaser i have a male chiwawa thaths a make and seen when im at home he piss all over the floor and prove is territiry dont know wath to do i am home every two weeks and dont know wath to do he always piss all over the floor its a risk of breaking the relashionsip and dont know wathto do

  • Hola cesar mi chihuahua se llama leo es muy jugeton pero cuando le llamo la los treasatension no me obedese para nada ni cuando le enseno los treats que le compre necesito tu ayuda porfavor para educar a mi mascota

  • mi mascota se llama mia es una chihuahua miniatura y cuando quiero salir con ella a pasear me toca sacarla del escondite es de muy mal genio no se me puede acercar nadie por que le gruñe ala persona y cuando se le llama por el nombre sale coriendo para mi alcoba y no le gusta salir en cali cuando estuvimos pasiando le colocaba la coreA Y COMENZABA A CHILLAR COMO SILA ESTUVIERAN MATANDO

  • hola buenas tardes estoy muy interesada para que cesar millan me ayude ah rehabilitar ami mascota es una chihuahua miniatura cabeza de manzana y cuando se le llama no quiere venir cuando vamos de paseo toca que mi mama me ayude para cojerla no le gusta salir

  • Monica Ferreira
    March 7, 2012 3:22 pm

    Hello, I have a female Chihuahua 6 years old, she was born on Tucson, USA, her name is Mia and she is indoor dog. In the last 3 years she is getting panic to the wind when she is inside home if I take her outside she is ok, the problem is if cold or night I have to waite until the storm pass to bring her inside home, please help ne to find a solution.

  • que lindo yo tengo uno y se yama chiquita

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