“get your groove on to emma the cleft palate chihuahua’s latest video!”

the absolute charm and preciousness of emma the cleft palate chihuahua defines ‘fun, furry and fabulous’ in this latest video! emma is a teeny tiny chihuahua and a famous chihuahua regular born in 2008 with a cleft palate, cleft lip and craniofacial deformities. she turned 4 on august 4th 2012 and is a mere 30 ounces in weight! she will also be featured in our 2013 calendar!

rescued just after birth, little emma was tube fed for the first 9 months of her life and has endured 6 surgeries (all, for the most part, to no avail). her skull is still wide open in many areas, leaving nothing between her tiny brain and the world but a paper thin layer of skin. she doesn’t “live the life of a dog” because the world is just much too dangerous for her, but she is still a brilliant, sweet spirited, blissfully content little girl. click here for emma’s amazing story!

check out emma’s heart warming “you’re beautiful” video!

is your chihuahua the next big thing and you want the world to know it? make your chihuahua famous while you help rescue one! click here to submit your chihuahua picture!


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