chip chihuahua

an inspirational rescue story of chihuahua abandonment and abuse

rub my belly, rub my belly!

…. does little chip want a belly rub? oh yes he does! … “rub my belly mommy, rub my belly!”

let the truth be told. if more people adopted a chihuahua, there would be less chihuahuas put down every year. my name is nancy mcgovern and chip is my beautiful, 3 year old, 7 pound, brown, full breed rescue chihuahua chip. his story of strength, kindness and unconditional love will inspire you.

chip was abandoned by his previous owner and found locked in a in a dark closet in a bird cage laying in his own pee and excrements with no food or water. after adopting chip, it took a while for him to adjust and get healthy again. he is okay now, but during the night he suffers from nightmares and post traumatic stress from the memories of the abuse he lived through.

chip needs constant love, support and encouragement. at night, he will start to wine if he realizes i am not close by and he will not sleep in a room without me. if he falls asleep on the couch and i go to bed without waking him up, he will wake up about an hour later and whine until i enter the room. his little tail will start wagging with relief when i get up and take him back to bed.

chip would rather be with me than eat his food. if i leave the room, he’ll run back and forth from room to room with a bite in his mouth just to check on me, so now i stay in the kitchen until he’s done and i can’t help but chuckle when i see that he eats with one eye watching me.

chip loves all other pets and rarely barks. i eventually want to make him a therapy dog because everyone loves him and even people who have had the tendency to call chihuahuas “rat-dogs”say that they have never met such a sweet and loving dog.

my sweet little chip is the perfect dog in every way, even though he is afraid of my deserting him. he is very well-behaved and well-mannered and so grateful to be loved. it breaks my heart to look into his sad loving eyes and know that he was once badly abused. no pet should have to experience such neglect. if you can’t afford to take care of a pet and understand that it is a long-term responsibility, then you shouldn’t have a pet at all.

chip is truly my angel from god. i look into his sweet eyes, and tell him everyday that he will never be alone again. i love my chihuahua!

related: the amazing story of charity the chihuahua

famous chihuahua’s fashion pick for chip the chihuahua

an authentic famous chihuahua® dog t-shirt, little chip has gone from rags to riches and is now officially a “famous chihuahua!”

submit your chihuahua picture or share it with the fastest growing chihuahua community online, the famous chihuahua facebook fan page!


18 Comments. Leave new

  • aww Chip I love you!
    ur story is so sad but happy u have got a mama who loves you to no end, my chi mix Dodgy, was abandoned at 2-3 weeks old with his brother in a kennel bag no food or water, left for dead, but thankfuly women took them in found 2 homes, sadly his brother didnt make it pass 7 days, Dodgy want to the vet got his shots he needed and grow but behind closed doors little Dodgy was abused by a man his owner, i found his post on craigslist and saved him from going to the high kill shelter at 9 months old he showed all signs of abuse, nightmares scared of outside world.., Dodgy is now a happy wounderful little 11.5 pound dog at almost 5 years old, he love very few men, his daddy and uncle are #1.. he loves every female he meets and goes everywhere i go.will not eat unless i hand feed him or i sit next to him as he eats.hes my heart soul my love…

    Chip ur brave and loved by so many, Nacey u are perfect for such a incredible dog glad you saved him and welcomed him into ur life
    hugs to both of u

  • This story of chip has warmed my heart and nearly brought me to tears. I am so thankful that he has found such a sweet, loving, devoted Mommy <3 God bless you both!

  • I just met you on fb, nancy & you are such a blessing. people who do things like this should have the same thing done to them ! my chihuahua, abbey is a famous chihuahua also. she healed my heart after the loss of my 16 year old chihuahua. i thought i would never love a dog that much, but abbey stole my heart again, you can read her story on the famous chihuahua site. she is a miracle too. god bless you & you little angel. they give unconditional love & deserve the same. believe me, you will be blessed !

  • Just a beautiful story. im thankful for people like you we need ppl in this world who care about these animals they are just as important as any human being on this planet we live in. we all need each other and having these creatures in my life makes life worth living.

  • this really did disturb me, knowing that this happens to sweet helpless dogs and kitties every day. Thank god you guys found each other!!! Love that little guy!

  • My little rescued chihuahua is also called Chip and our stories are so similar. I am so happy that my Chip picked myself & my (also rescued) cat Gracie (who he loves playing with) as his forever home. I love him to bits and would walk through fire for the pair of them. You are a wonderful person and your story made me smile.

  • i have a chihuahua called biscuit , she was badly beaten by her previous male owner and now she is petrified of men , especially tall men , if my hubby wants a hug from her he has 2 b lying on the floor and wait 4 her 2 come 2 him , we’ve had her now 4 2years and shes gettin better every day , she was never walked on a lead and wasnt house trained but with ltte steps were gettin there ,day by day x

  • Nancy McGovern
    January 10, 2011 2:59 am

    Thank you everyone for all your kindness, (and Chip thanks you too!) He’s doing better each day and with love, which is what it’s all about, he’ll never look back again. Hopefully in time, his nightmares will stop, his fear of me leaving will go away and he will never feel lonely and scared again. I just know that God put him in my life for a reaon. Bless all you other Chi lovers and never forget to pray for all the forgotten souls out there are God’s creatures!

  • Aww thats a great story I love when there is a happy ending!! Bruizer needs a friend where are you from.. I love hearing ppl loving their pets and considering them their family I am so happy for chip! You deserve each other

  • I found a chihuahua on a winter sitting in the middle of the road. After calling everywhere and posting ad in newspaper, nobody claimed her so two years later she is here with me and she is loved very much

  • OMG….this story really brought on the tears. Thank God this precious baby was found! How can a person even look in the mirror at themself after doing something so cruel like that. God bless you for giving him a second chance on a real life! I will never stop thinking about this now.

  • I’m so glad I got Chip away from her. Now he’s happy and safe. No more being in a cage for hours on end, with no food and water. Thank God your his new mommy, I bet he’s so grateful. He’s never been so loved and safe in his life and hopefully he will have a long future filled with love, kindness and tranquility for many years. Happy New Year to both of You. Love ya.

  • amen too that this is agreat story it sounds a lot like my lil huy taco i wish i could save all of the poor lil chihuahuas in the worl to they have a very special place in my heart i think they are the best . dont get get me wrong i lilke other dogs too but the chihuahua is the number one in my heart

  • This heart breaking story has touched my soul so deeply… Thank God you and Chip found each other. I pray as the years go on he forgets those terribly memories of human cruelty that I can’t even believe exists in this world. He is a little angel. Thank you for sharing this remarkable story. In a perfect world,God’s helpless creatures would never be abandoned or abused in anyway…

  • I have 3 rescue chi’s and I couldn’t love them love them more! I have always had big dogs but decided I wanted a little dog…I will never go back…they are the best of all worlds. My 3 little brown dogs have gotten me through some pretty tough times….

    Bless all the little chi’s of the world!

  • That is such a sweet story! I’m 31 and have no children, nor really want any … My 5 year old Chihuahua is my Baby! My Gizmo is my life! Its sad to see soo many of these little angels abandoned, they are truly amazing little creatures! Their loss!! Xoxo.

  • God bless you! I am so happy for chip! he is lucky to have you & you are lucky to have him. I’m sorry chip had to live such a horrible life prior to finding you. I too have a rescue chihuahua. And every moment with her is priceless.

    thank you for sharing your story!

  • Omg! This is heartbreaking.
    My little angel chihuahua is also a rescue dog. When i saw him at the pound I knew he was a gift from god.
    I’m so glad this little guy found a home!
    I wish him all the best.

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