olive the chihuahua

the miracle chihuahua who survived being run over

the miraculous story of olive, a chihuahua that was run over on the highway and survived!

dear famous chihuahua®.

i would like you to meet my little miracle chihuahua olive. she is 10 months old, weighs 5 pounds and is a smooth-coat, deer head chihuahua with a shiny tan coat!

olive loves her “little champion” dog food made by pedigree, especially the beef casserole flavor 🙂 she gets lots of “cookies” when she is good, or when she goes #2 outside.cookies are her favorite snack, so she takes full advantage of being well behaved when she knows there is a cookie involved! she can sit and shake your hand, but if you don’t have a cookie ready for her, she might not be willing to participate!

my little princess has more toys than most kids. a lot of her toys have been sewn back together or re-stuffed because she loves to tear them apart. she will usually start with the eyes and rip those off, then go for the ears… tail… anything she can destroy, she will! her favorite toy is a white stuffed pig. she is working on destroying her 4th one right now.

i got olive from a chihuahua breeder. i wasn’t really looking for a puppy, but a woman i worked with had one last chihuahua pup that needed a home and the moment i saw olive, it was love at first sight and i had to have her. she has been my best friend since the moment i became her mom and she has been a blessing.

olive is very protective of me and will often bark and show her “mohawk” when she hears someone other than me enter the house. she has a lot of funny little quirks to her personality and loves to play bite my husband’s nose, especially when he isn’t expecting it! she also loves to play fetch with her mini tennis balls, although after she is done fetching the ball, she will always drop it 3 feet in front of me rather than bring it all the way back, i guess she is a pup that plays by her own rules!

there was a point in time where i came very close to losing my olive. one night back in november, while my husband was outside working on the lawn, olive must have seen a squirrel or a bunny and chased it through a small opening in our fence. and from there… she was gone

we looked everywhere, up and down every street in our neighborhood, we made fliers, stopped at peoples houses, and no one had seen her. she was gone, it was like she had just disappeared without a trace. after hours and hours of searching for her, with no evidence of where she went, i was heartbroken and devastated. i thought i lost her forever and felt like a piece of me was missing. it got dark and cold outside and my biggest fear was not knowing if she was safe.

the next day, someone who had seen our flier called and said he had hit olive on the highway the previous evening. he had said that he stopped his vehicle to see if she was still alive and when he approached her, she bit him and then ran away! he told us the last location he had seen her and we stopped at every single house in that area, desperate for some type of clue of where she might be.

after several “sorry, i haven’t seen her” answers, we continued searching, but with no luck. it was going on to 24 hours since she had gone missing and we weren’t getting anywhere with our search. until finally, my husband’s phone rang with the news that someone had found her.

she was scared, and hiding in the trees in one of the back yards of the houses i had stopped at. we immediately went to find her and the moment she saw me, she ran towards me and i couldn’t do anything but cry and be happy that she was safe and out of danger.

still, olive’s journey was far from over. she was covered in dirt and blood. she was hurt very bad and its a miracle that she survived out there all night and all the next day. we took her to the emergency vet where she had to have emergency surgery to repair a diaphragmatic hernia.

she also suffered a broken pelvis and a lot of road rash from being hit by a car. after 4 days in the hospital, olive was released and has been on the road to recovery since then! after about a week, she was back to her normal self and as spunky as ever! we had to keep her on bed rest and crated as often as possible for a month after her accident so her pelvis would heal correctly.

today olive is fully recovered and doesn’t even walk with a limp! i’m sure she will struggle with arthritis in the future, but right now, she is a healthy little chihuahua puppy with a lot of energy!

i am reminded everyday of how special my sweet little olive is, and how much of a miracle it was that she survived what she went through. she is a tough little cookie, a fighter and an inspiration to all!

casey rice and olive of schoolcraft, michigan


12 Comments. Leave new

  • my chihuahua died last year. It still makes me cry

  • Omg your story on olive made me cry…..So happy she is OK….I just recently got a deer head chihuahua….and I absolutely love him….he is 4 months 1week! And makes me so happy! I would be devastated and so very heart broken if anything happened to my King….he also loves toys that are bigger then him! Has the best personality ever! Just starting to introduce him to the jogging world and he loves it….very active puppy!….. And very very loveable…always wanting the kisses and loves….

  • laura Grayson-ladanyi
    January 17, 2011 10:45 am

    OMG what a story ! So glad you have your blessed Olive…
    I am learning about Chihuahua’s as I have a pup that was born in Oct came to me in Dec.
    He is very sweet & has brought the house alot of joy
    My Dad suffers from Alzheimers …He lights up when he see’s my little Sancho Panza !! My Mom is a senior with handicaps …So his comedic way keeps us laughing…He loves big Toys bigger than him drags them all over oh and the tennis ball story must be in the genes he does the 3 ft thing, too….
    Enjoyed your story,

  • My chihuahua, Gizmo, was hit by a car today… he didn’t survive. I don’t know how to deal. I’ve had him since he was 6 weeks and today he is almost 6 years. I lost my baby…

  • my dog got ran over on the same day in 2001 march 5 and survived. now she is great and I still know she remembers her very hurt back.also the damages on her back costed more money than it cost to get that dog it costed $1000 for her damages and $500 for her.I was not even born when she got hit but now everything is normal

  • i am so happy that your chihuahua is safe and back in your arms. if anything happened to my little chihuahua i wouldn’t know what i would do…

  • Dee and Pedro
    March 5, 2010 9:16 am

    I have just read your beautiful story about Olive and it made me cry. Such a happy ending and I am so glad she is ok.

    I have had three scares with my baby. No. 1 …. Where the hell are you???? When he was about six months old I spent hours hunting for him… devastated after bringing in several friends to help me in my distress. Then… a soft shell little dog house I had that I use to fill with all his soft toys started to move…. He was asleep in the middle…
    No. 2 He got a tick… it was not a paralysis tick which is well known where I live for killing dogs much bigger than my 2 kilo chi. He wen’t all silly and wobbley…. fluids and a few hours at the vet and he came good. Phew…..!!!
    No. 3 He was really lucky this time. I had a 5 metre scrub python at my back door winding around lattice work on my building. The snake handlers who came to take it away said the snake was certainly after my dog.

    Protecting him from harm is a bid deal to me…. otherwise he is the best friend/pet/dog you could ever ask for.

    I think life would be really sad without him.

    I hope Olive lives a very long happy life XXXX

  • Violeta Hayes
    March 5, 2010 3:33 am

    Shes one Angel tha God, send for you. Shes Beutiful. you are sooo lucky.

  • I’m so glad she made it! Because of the potential for arthritis you might want to ask teh vet about putting her on glucosamine supplements.

  • that’s so touching! i too have a deerhead chihuahua..wasn’t thinking about having a dog till a woman was crying one day at a clinic i was going to. she said she didn’t have any where to take the dog..out of nowhere i said “i can babysit!”, paco was just the sweetest dog! needless to say after months of the usual drop off paco, “i’ve got to go to detox” she ended putting the dog in the shelter…i tracked her down, insisted that we go to the shelter that minute and i would pay to get him out, but out of her mouth came” look, i’m too stressed out and besides i’m thinking of adopting two more chihuahuas and breeding them…” any way, skip the rest and now paco has been living here with me in my studio and has an adopted daddy he chose himself of a friend of mine…his presence has brought alot of happiness to those all around us, wherever we go everyone pays and looks to him for attention….i don’t believe a better companion could have come along…………………thank you for sharing…

  • What a terrible thing to happen to your little chihuahua and I am so glad that she survived! She must be a tough little cookie!

  • How beautiful!
    What a precious precious girl Olive is.
    Treasure every second of your time together.
    Thank you for sharing your story.

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