pablo the chihuahua

pablo, the cute short-haired deerhead chihuahua from el paso texas!

pablo, the deerhead chihuahua that loves to give kisses!

dear famous chihuahua®,

this is my chihuahua pablo. i named him after pablo the world famous chihuahua on youtube. today pablo is a year old, but i got him when he was two months old from a reputable chihuahua breeder in el paso texas. chihuahuas are my favorite breed of dogs and pablo is my first dog.

a cute habit that pablo has is to give nonstop chihuahua kisses! his favorite snacks are his chicken flavored treats and his favorite toys are his “chuck it” ball and his soccer ball. its fun to watch my chihuahua playing soccer.

the fun story i would love to share is about when i first got pablo. i was living in el paso at the time and my step dad took me to this house that had chihuahua puppies for sale. i didn’t know at the time why he was taking me there, but i was just guessing it was because he knew i loved chihuahuas and thought it would be nice for me to see them.

well when i got there i saw 13 adorable little chihuahuas. then my step dad said, “so do you like them?” and i said “yes!” then he said, “pick one out!”. i was so happy! then i took pablo home and he happily began to play with our other dogs.

the only tricks pablo knows so far is to sit, lay down, and jump. pablo has made me very happy and i love to come home from school and play with hi.

my name is aerial erickson and i love my pablo!

more chihuahua stories!

related: what is a deerhead chihuahua?

chihuahua clothing summer clearance sale! only 10 days left!

send your chihuahua pictures to famous chihuahua or post it at the famous chihuahua facebook fan page for everyone to see!


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