chihuahua’s unconditional love cures owner from mental illness

princess saphire chihuahua

chihuahua's love heals owner from mental illness

dear famous chihuahua®,

this is my gorgeous little chihuahua puppy, princess-saphire. she is 6 months old and my savior!

i got princess-saphire from a reputable chihuahua breeder when she was only 12 weeks old and since then we have been inseparable. she comes with me everywhere and snuggles with me in bed every night.

this year has been rough as i suffer with a mental illness and was admitted to a mental health ward. i’ve made great progress, but in the last 3 months since i’ve had princess i have made the biggest improvement! her unconditional love gets me through those difficult times. i am so lucky to have this amazing chihuahua in my life!

little princess loves to go for walks, but she also loves going out in her designer pet carrier or dog stroller. not many people in england use dog carriers and strollers so i do get some funny looks sometimes when we are out, especially when they realize its a chihuahua!

princess-saphire is a very pampered pooch that get’s what she wants when she wants so she definitely lives up to the name “princess”. i love that she can fit into fashionable dog clothes for tiny girl chihuahuas and look extra beautiful!

i feel blessed to have my sweet princess-saphire in my life.


rachael jones

send your chihuahua pictures to famous chihuahua or post it to the famous chihuahua facebook fan page for everyone to see!



  • I have a chi as well named Rose bud. she has helped me also with my ptsd.. I would not trade her for anything in this world.. I love my baby so much and id be lost without her.

  • Hello from Vancouver, Washington USA.

    Rachael.. Your Princess-Saphire is soooo adorable. How precious! My little Chihuahua name Hunee looked just like that when she was a Puppy. She is now 4 years old and still my little Baby. My Hunee girl helped me get through heart surgery… and made my recovery much faster She even visited me in the hospital. That is just wonderful your Princess is helping you get better too…Your Princess must love you very much. Take good care and speedy recovery. <3

  • That is such a great story. After I adopted my chihuahua I didn’t know how I was living my life without her. Enjoy your Princess.


  • Thanks for sharing …

    Good post

  • aerial erickson
    August 15, 2010 5:06 am

    OMG that chihuahua is soooooooooo cute!

  • Nathalie Miller
    August 14, 2010 8:10 am

    Hello from Luxembourg!
    You have such a darling PRINCESSE! Dogs are verry intleigent she feels that you love here So you are a great team! hen my Daisy Duxie is not feeling good I?M NOT FEELING GOOD AT ALL! That shows that you like your dogie! Thats ok if you take here in a BUGGY I did that with my old Daxie when he had problems to walk! Everything is good if you feel good with it. Let the people look on you you know that you are special and you have a special precious Darling! So have an other nice day weis BIG HUGS to you and PRINCCESSE! Nathalie and Daisy( Teckel)

  • I know how how you feel, my little guy is the best.

  • One of my nicknames for my Chihuahua is “Six Pounds of Therapy”. She certainly is.

    What a great story!

  • My little chi’s name is Angel…that’s exactly what she is. I suffer from severe depression and PTSD and Angel is also my savior! She’s such a big help and my best friend and soul mate. She’s now registered as my service dog and can go everywhere with me. I also suffer from Agoraphobia and without her, I’d never leave my house. She’s as spoiled as they come and I wouldn’t have it any other way…she sticks to me like glue:)))

  • Very sweet and very true. Chihuahuas are blessings in our lives. I don’t know what I’d do without my angel. Wishing you the best in your recovery!

  • Violeta Hayes
    August 6, 2010 10:32 pm

    Chihuahuas are angels. beutiful story.

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