chihuahua in pants
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chihuahua too sexy for his shirt does his little turns on the catwalk

i’m too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts!

introducing tom the chihuahua!

tom is a teacup-size chihuahua born of a chihuahua breeder in mexico that loves to dance and we think he’s just fabulous! look at those ears!

tom likes to play tug-of-war with his stuffed animals and when he’s not dancing his adorable little chihuahua pants off, you can find him all snuggled up fast asleep dreaming about shaking his little touche on the catwalk.

apparently this handsome little devil looks just like his mommy. what a face!

do you have an adorable chihuahua picture you want to share with the world?

send your chihuahua pictures to famous chihuahua with their information or post it to the famous chihuahua facebook fan page for everyone to see!


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