is there such a thing as a micro chihuahua? …a pocket chihuahua?

pocket chihuahua

there is no such thing as a micro chihuahua or a pocket chihuahua.  micro-size or teacup chihuahuas are usually the runts of a litter and tend to mature with several chihuahua health problems, have a shorter life span and need more care than the average chihuahua.

some even need to be tube fed or bottle fed until their little bodies are developed enough and they can eat on their own. it is also not uncommon to have to pay daily veterinarian fees to keep these so-called ‘pocket or micro chihuahuas’ from becoming a sick chihuahua as they age.

it is important to understand that it doesn’t mean that chihuahuas of this size don’t deserve love and care as all chihuahuas are special, but one can’t predict at birth how big a chihuahua is actually going to get as you don’t know if they will experience a growth spurt as they mature.

if a breeder insists that they do know how big their chihuahuas are going to be, then be leery as this may not be a reputable chihuahua breeder and is probably over pricing their puppies based on false marketing truths with no real research and breeding analysis to base it on.

knowledgeable breeders will not use terms like ‘pocket, micro or teacup’ to sell their puppies as they know there is only one chihuahua breed that ranges in sizes which varies from 2 to 6 lbs.

on average, most chihuahuas weigh around 3 t0 6 lbs. if they grow to be more or less then that is their fate but does that men you will love them any less? if it does, then your reasons for owning a chihuahua are clearly not genuine. all chihuahuas, regardless of their size, deserve to be loved and spoiled, it’s that simple!

“get this information and more in an ebook delivered right to your inbox!”

the amazing ebook, caring for chihuahuas made easy, breed information, health care and nutrition teaches you about reverse sneezing in chihuahuas and shows you how to properly care for such a small dog!

below is a sample page from the chihuahua health section!

chihuahua health issues

related:  what are teacup chihuahuas? is this a legitimate term?

girl dog fashion clothing chihuahua



  • Linda Reynolds
    August 27, 2021 9:38 pm

    My micro teacup apple head chihuahua was not a figment of my imagination she weighed 1.5 an lived to 12 yeas old an her momma an daddy was also tiny so please don’t tell me there is no such thing as a micro teacup chihuahua

  • So should I be worried about the tiny pups or micro puppies being sickly an high vet bills if I got one?

  • Margaret C Barbee
    October 31, 2019 11:37 am

    I like to help foster the little chi puppies I have a girl chi but I like yo care for them I am by myself o0

  • To Carolyn,
    My 13 year old chi also has the kind of diarrhea you described. I believe it is Irritable bowl syndrome. I give the gel type probiotic and it seems to help. I would also like to hear what others do about this problem.

  • My 13 yr old chihuahua has been pooping red dark pure runny blood today, he’s been coughing for a week are two, he has no appitite Please someone let me know if they know what’s wrong ? Has anyone else’s dog done this? Taking him to vet tomorrow but I’m really worried about my little baby Chico , he is also the runt of the litter..

  • I have a Chihuahua whom I got from my aunt. We suspected that he was a runt since he was very distance from his siblings. He ended up being the runt. But just because they’re a runt doesn’t mean that they have all these health problems. My chihuahua had never had a health problem in his life and he’s 4 years old.

  • Yes you are right, currently there is no designation for the tiniest of Chihuahuas. But you are wrong when you say “they are usually runts..” Through selective breeding, much has been achieved in the domestication of dogs. Our little Toy-o-da was the largest pup in the litter and is barely 2 pounds as an adult. He has no health issues and sired many diminutive litters. It is my understanding that when people refer to their dogs as “teacup” or “micros”, they are trying to tell you that they are smaller than average, not a separate variety.

  • I have an adult male Chi who was born to a 1st litter. Dame weighed 2 1/2 and sire 3 lbs. My fully adult male I purchased for $600 and was told it would probably chart somewhere between 2 1/2 and 3 lbs. Considered a teacup. He is 15 and healthy and weighs 2 lbs/6 Oz’s. Luv my Chi boy.

  • ok what do u mean a dog of this size doesnt need love cuz that basically saying the when u were a baby u didnt need love

  • now say the are real read this page !!!

  • this isn’t a lie i’ve seen first hand the effects that causes these small dogs to fight for their lives most with have liver problems of which there is no treatment or cure !! the person who said it was a lie and that it was being spread by a nasty person should look at the facts trying checking on some of the other sites that deal with their illnesses and conditions caused by people breeding smaller dogs for just more money they dont care that dogs suffer or that you may only have your pet a short while and the heartbreak that causes !! these dogs deserve better we wouldnt do to people so why to dogs they don’t have a voice so we must stop this happening !!!!! yes chihuhuas are small dogs but not as small as these “so called micro/teacup” the facts speak louder then words try looking it up as no major register will recognizes that term teacup !!!!

  • well , you know nothing about dogs , so it pointless me trying to educate you about chihuahuas , chihuahuas has been in my family for 30 yr , long before i were born , their couldn’t have all been the runt of the litter because on their pedigree papers it says ” Teacup or miniature chihuahua , they varied in size but all VERY SMALL , i can tell your a nasty person because you can’t afford one , now stop telling lies your boring .

  • Sorry but teacusps micro chihuahuas is not a lie they are much smaller than normal chihuahua

  • my chihuahua applehead named nellie she was my baby and she ate bug spray and i miss her!

  • breading teacup/micro/toy dogs = animal cruelty!

  • I wonder what you think of this person who sells these tiny dogs for outrageous prices. After reading your comments in the article about what the micro and teacup dogs are it made me wonder. They look good and healthy and happy, but I wondered what you think about this?

  • yo tengo una perra llamada CALLIA que pesa 1.100 kg, es decir un poco más de 2 libras. es la más mala de toda la casa , pero me adora y yo la adoro a ella. realmente no he tenido ningún problema de salud salvo que el veterinario me advirtió de no hacerla tener cría. no me interesa hacerla tener cría. lo único que me importa es amarla !!!

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