muffiin and mommy

precious muffin, the amazing blind chihuahua

precious muffin the amazing blind chihuahua

muffin the blind chihuahua is a testament to the truth that pets with disabilities make amazing companions. little muffin became blind from severe cataracts which led to retinal detachment. since this picture was taken, muffin has undergone surgery to remove both of eyes.

muffin’s family loves her dearly. her mommy was happy to share with us muffin’s  awe-inspiring story and what makes muffin the blind chihuahua so precious.

muffin and mommy

“our little girl muffin is a huge blessing to our lives. we adopted her from the SPCA when she was about 5 or 6 years old. she was completely blind from severe cataracts and was found wondering the streets at night by someone who then brought her to the SPCA. since then she has found her way into our hearts!

muffin is an absolutely amazing rescue chihuahua. we believe she is a happier chihuahua post-surgery because of all the discomfort she was experiencing prior to. since the day we brought her home, she has been able to find her way around the house and can walk all throughout the backyard and then find her way back to our sliding glass door.

knowing little about her back ground, we love and care for her the best we can. she is wonderful with children and isn’t afraid of other dogs. she only shakes when we go to the vet and during car rides. she loves to play with your hand and sometimes with her tail.

muffin’s favorite foods is chicken and fortune cookies. when she hears the refrigerator open she strolls into the kitchen. she knows this is where the chicken is! when muffin has to go potty, she will walk to the sliding door to let us know.

since both of muffins eyes are sewn shut, she often looks as if she is sleeping. we love muffin so much because of how much she has enriched our lives. she is so special that you forget that she has no eyes. she is particularly  fond of her daddy and is definitely daddy’s little girl.

muffin comes to work with me and everyone at the office loves her. she sleeps in her bed next to my desk like a good little girl. she doesn’t like to be left alone all day as she would much rather be around us – the people who love her unconditionally. we simply can’t imagine our lives without her!”

all chihuahuas are precious, even the ones with a disability. the message is simple. if you love chihuahuas, adopt one. read another amazing chihuahua story – put your paws here! samson the miracle chihuahua born without eyes


6 Comments. Leave new

  • Hey I have a chihuahua pup he’s 13 weeks and I fink he could b partly blind when I call him he runs round and round til he gets 2 u like he can’t sEe but can hear is that normal 4 a pup if its blind?

  • It was so wonderful to see the picture of muffin – we thought it was our dear dog, daisy! daisy was blinded due to living in a ‘hoarding house’ and we adopted her from a rescue facility. she is beautiful and looks exactly like muffin. we love our daisy very much – she also has deformed back legs, but manages to get around just fine. it is wonderful that people realize how rewarding it is to have one of these dogs with disabilities in their homes. give muffin a hug from us and tell her that she has a ‘twin’ living in minnesota!

  • Hello everyone.its so nice to read beautiful loving story about your chihuahuas.I am a very true loving Chihuahua owner of many and I have a very small Chihuahua was born 8 weeks ago and weighting only 2.4 oz when born. I had taken her for 8 weeks injection and to be told she was blind in both eyes . From delivering her from birth to now I was going to keep her . She is very special to me and our family . She’s now plays with the others . Would like anyone with this problem or to have a chat e.mail me . Thank you for reading my violet. my special Chihuahua . Story x . ******

  • i also have a blind chihuahua named josie. she was born blind and i have been with her since she was 6 weeks old. she has truly been my source of joy throughout the years. she is my sidekick, my sleeping buddy, my partner, my co-pilot. She isnt aware that she is blind so she gets around just like most dogs. In fact, she gets around so well most people don’t realize she is blind until they see her “eyes”. She was born with only one eye that has no pupil, therfore resulting in total blindness. Her favorite place is by my side and that is also my favorite place for her to be. One day someone mentioned to me that she was lucky to have me to give her such “quality of life”. In turn I said to them, no, that it was me who has been given quality of life because of her. She truly is my josie-joy. My friend, my confidant, my snuggle buddy.

  • I too have a blind chihuahua and he is the best companion ever! We don’t know why he went blind but he’s been that way for almost 3 years. That hasn’t stopped him from wandering around the house or finding food we’ve dropped!
    Glad to hear another hearwarming story of a blind chihuahua!

  • how sad but shes cute

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