rip sweet beanie

in loving memory of beanie the rescue chihuahua.. rest in peace little girl

beanie, the chihuahua whose memory will live on forever

this memorial is a tribute to allison blau’s adopted chihuahua beanie

my dearest bean,

we may have only had two short years together but those years were full of love and understanding. i do not know how you may have been treated for your first 12 years, but i do know that for your last 2 years you were truly loved. it took some time, but your fear’s were eased and you opened your heart to mom, uncle dave and most of all to me. you made your mark on my heart little girl and i love you for that always.

a big thank you to teaka and famous chihuahua as it was through this wonderful website that i found bean, alone and scared in a shelter.

if you love chihuahuas, please adopt one… you just never know what kind of miracle awaits…

love always,

allison blau from fair lawn, new jersey

rip my sweet little beanie


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