sugar easterchihuahua1
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… and the winner of our 2012 easter picture contest is sugar!

sugar, the winner of the 2012 famous chihuahua easter picture contest!

congratulations to amanda myke and her family! their sweet lil’ chihuahua sugar is the winner of the 2012 famous chihuahua® easter picture contest!

sugar is a three month old chihuahua puppy that found her way into this easter basket and decided to make it her new bed, so her mommy seized the opportunity to snap a picture! with 33% of the overall votes from our easter chihuahua picture poll, winning our easter picture contest has officially made sugar a famous chihuahua!

in celebration of her new fame, sugar has won a gift box filled with new chihuahua clothes and accessories from the famous chihuahua store. she will also receive a fabulous famous chihuahua® dog t-shirt she can wear with pride, just like the one you see boo boo wearing!

boo boo, the world's smallest dog!

boo boo is the guinness book of world records holder for the world’s smallest dog and she just so happens to also be a famous chihuahua doggie model!

zeke and bree were our second and third runners up! way to go cutie pies! be sure to try submitting your pictures again for the second annual world’s cutest famous chihuahua contest coming this summer!

… also known as the great chihuahua giveaway contest, this famous chihuahua picture contest lasts all summer and submissions are posted solely at the famous chihuahua facebook page!

sale sale sale on chihuahua clothes! click here!

may 14th is international chihuahua appreciation day!


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