bebe, the teacup chihuahua that knows sign language

bebe, a teacup chihuahua that knows doggie sign language!

howdy famous chihuahua®!

this is my chihuahua bebe, she is a 3 year old teacup chihuahua that i bought form a chihuahua breeder in oregon and she weighs approximately 3lbs. her beautiful coat is all white and she has deep dark blue eyes. what makes her unique is that she is deaf but responds to doggie sign language.

bebe’s favorite snacks are geenies, pup-peroni, and yummy filet mignon. her favorite play toys are stuffed animals. it doesn’t matter if they are the size of the palm of your hand or five times bigger than her, she will try to show it whose boss no matter what.

bebe has several funny habits. every time i give her a bone, she’ll go around the house and hide it like a chipmunk (there’s probably a dozen of hidden bones around the house as we speak). its funny because she hides the bone thinking there’s dirt/sand on the carpet so she uses her nose and digs  as if she were digging  a hole. i often find her bones in between the sofa, under the bed and once in my suitcase where i once discovered her bone while unpacking in a different state!

bebe will also sit on the sofa staring outside the window or she will spend hours cleaning herself as a cat would. whenever she sees the neighbor’s cat in the yard, she stands next to the sliding glass door and barks. when i open the sliding door thinking she will run out, she will instead walk away acting as if nothing happened. bebe also loves the sun! if she’s inside the house and there’s sunlight shining in, you will find her basking in it.

i’m so happy to have bebe in my life. regardless of her disability, bebe is an amazing chihuahua that has taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. i can’t seem to spoil her enough with treats, chihuahua dresses, and of course with love. i adore her sassiness, size and innocence.

love nancy, from the state of oregan, usa

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christmas is only weeks away! be sure to check out the famous chihuahua christmas collection of chihuahua clothes


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