what is a teacup chihuahua? is this even a legitimate term? get the facts right here!

nadia chihuahua facts, chihuahua Q and A 125 Comments

Royal Canin Chihuahua Puppy Dry Dog Food, 2.5-Pound Bag
teacup chihuahuas

what exactly does the term teacup chihuahua mean and is it a legitimate term for characterizing a specific type of chihuahua?  much controversy exists over this term, so let’s get the chihuahua facts!

the term teacup chihuahua is mainly an american term.  it’s often used to refer to the size of a chihuahua and shouldn’t be used to categorize a specific type of chihuahua as you would reference a short-haired vs a long-haired chihuahua or a deerhead chihuahua vs an applehead chihuahua.

are teacup chihuahuas tiny chihuahuas that fit into a cup?

most chihuahua puppies are born teacup-sized, but they usually grow out of it.  it is important to note that chihuahuas of this size must be handled delicately and dressed accordingly with the proper chihuahua clothes to keep them warm and properly shielded.

many prospective chihuahua buyers are also unaware of the fact that if a chihuahua puppy isn’t nourished properly from birth, they will not grow to their full potential. this undernourishment will keep a chihuahua puppy from growing to their full potential as they reach adulthood.

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why does my chihuahua snore? how can a tiny dog make so much noise?

nadia chihuahua facts, chihuahua Q and A, teaka 29 Comments

teaka the famous chihuahua snoozing – how can something so small snore so loud!”

snoring is a common occurrence in chihuahuas and has nothing to do with a collapsed trachea.  it is attributed to their short muzzle and sometimes it is loud enough to wake the house up.  it can be incredibly funny when you have visitors as no one can believe that such a small dog can make that much noise.

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apple head chihuahuas vs. deer head chihuahuas: how are they different?

nadia chihuahua facts, chihuahua Q and A 183 Comments

apple head chihuahua

we have all heard the term teacup chihuahua, but what do the terms apple head and deerhead mean when it comes to describing characteristics of the chihuahua breed and what exactly makes an apple head chihuahua different from a deerhead chihuahua?

the term apple head is used to describe any chihuahua with a round or ‘dome-like’ head similar to the shape of an apple.  the upper part of the chihuahua’s skull is wider than the lower part in the jaw area.

if you look close at the top of the skull of most chihuahuas, you will notice that it is slightly sunken in just like the top of an apple.  this area is called molera, a spanish word for ‘fontanel’, or any membranous gap between the bones of the cranium in an infant or fetus and it is similar to the ‘soft spot’ that human babies have on their heads upon birth.

according to chihuahua breed standards, the term apple head is required in the description of the ‘head’ of a chihuahua that includes an apple domed skull with either the presence or absence of molera.  it is also used when referencing chihuahua puppies at an age where it is noticeable.

chihuahua skull

the term deer head is used to describe any chihuahua that does not have the characteristic apple shaped head. deer head chihuahuas tend to have a longer noses and a head shape similar to that of a miniature young deer.  they also tend to have less chihuahua health problems.

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chihuahua dies from a sudden and questionable death, can you help?

nadia chihuahua Q and A 75 Comments

veterinarian treats chihuahua with intravenous therapy

dear famous chihuahua®,

my name is phillip and i am just trying to find some answers. our 1 1/2 year old chihuahua suddenly got lethargic and this worried me enough to take her to the vet. on my way there she started salivating severely. the vet put my sick chihuahua on an intravenous, but a total of 5 hours passed from the first symptom and she then died.

it appeared to be congestive heart failure to the vet. he sent samples to the university of auburn to confirm his diagnosis… does anyone know what might have happened to my chihuahua?

thank you for any help or suggestions you can provide.
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why do chihuahua puppies shiver?

nadia chihuahua health concerns, chihuahua Q and A 15 Comments

why do chihuahua puppies shiver?

teaka the famous chihuahua shivers when she feels stressed

chihuahuas shiver or tremble when they are excited, experiencing stress, frightened, uncertain or cold. shivering is characteristic of the chihuahua breed.

smaller chihuahua puppies usually have a higher metabolism and so they expend body heat faster than bigger dogs. shivering also helps to generate body heat, which is also explains why people shiver when they are cold.

it’s important to remember that if you live in a cold or wet climate, you need to protect your chihuahua when you take them outside. dress them in a sweater or chihuahua clothes to make sure they stay warm and if possible, avoid taking them out in the rain.

it is also helpful to nurture your chihuahua when they are shivering out of fear or stress. a familiar and calm voice will help to put them at ease.

at the same time you don’t want to run to them every time they shiver, rather only when it seems appropriate because you want to avoid them becoming accustomed to tending to them every time they shiver.

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